Q. You're on to the quarterfinals; talk me through the long day of golf. Talk me through that last match.
CATHERINE RAO: Honestly, that last match went by so much further than the first one. I know we had a fog delay and everything, but me and Annabelle, she's one of the best people I've ever met, and we were just having fun out there, and we were playing more with each other than against each other it felt like. It went by really quick, super fun match.
Q. A couple big birdies, winning 13, 14, 15. Talk me through those, to win the match basically.
CATHERINE RAO: Honestly I can't even remember them. It was such a blur. I think it's honestly been such a long day, we were just out there playing golf and it kind of happened. Just let loose.
Q. How does it feel to be a quarterfinalist in the U.S. Am?
CATHERINE RAO: It feels unreal. I feel like with my back and everything, I feel so lucky to have been able to play this week, much less make it this far. I'm super happy.
Q. I know you're in the recovery room right now; how do you think the back is going to hold up tomorrow?
CATHERINE RAO: We're going to make it work.
Q. You're exempt into this next year at Bel Air; did you know that?
CATHERINE RAO: I didn't know that.
Q. Because you're from California, right?
CATHERINE RAO: It's like an hour away from me, yeah.
Q. What do you expect out of the course tomorrow?
CATHERINE RAO: Same thing I've been expecting all week. Sometimes you get good kicks, sometimes you don't. It's a lot of balance out here, good things and bad things. It's a fun course. Love it.
Q. How difficult is a week like this mentally and physically, playing this much golf?
CATHERINE RAO: Physically it's a little taxing, obviously, playing 36, especially out here. It's a tiny bit hilly. And then you add in injuries, it gets a little bit tough. But mentally, just keep up the snacks, the go go squeezes, the fruit snacks, and when you're having fun, it really does go by fast. Just try to enjoy it while you still can.
Q. What's on tap for the rest of the night?
CATHERINE RAO: Sleep. Sushi and then sleep.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports