Q. You're a quarterfinalist; how does that sound?
LAUREN LEHIGH: Sounds pretty unbelievable.
Q. What were your expectations coming into the week?
LAUREN LEHIGH: I was just trying to make match play. That was really my only goal. I played in one other one of these back in 2019 at Old Waverley and was like three or four shots off the cut line, and finally made it back here this year, and my only goal was to make the cut and make match play.
Q. Did I hear you've played Chambers before?
LAUREN LEHIGH: I did. I played it in April at a collegiate event, so I got to play four rounds out here for that, and it was huge.
Q. Talk about who's on your bag and what the caddie relationship is like?
LAUREN LEHIGH: He's actually a course caddie. His name is Chel. He's been incredible. The experience he's had on this course has helped -- it's been amazing having him on the bag. I'm actually staying with him tonight because I only booked my AirBNB through Thursday.
Q. So you've already exceeded expectations.
LAUREN LEHIGH: Yeah, I won yesterday, and I'm like, hey Chel, do you have a guest room by any chance.
Q. What do you like about match play?
LAUREN LEHIGH: Just how up and down it can be. Like you can have a bad hole out here, and it doesn't matter if you make a bogey or a 12. It really doesn't matter. You move on to the next hole, and you've just got to be able to put everything behind you, and I feel like I've gotten a lot better at that over the years.
Q. As a quarterfinalist you're exempt into next year. Is it a relief to know that you don't have to qualify?
LAUREN LEHIGH: Really? Oh, my gosh. That's so cool! Oh, my gosh, that's so exciting! I had no idea!
Q. You'll be in the field at the Bel Air Country Club next year.
LAUREN LEHIGH: Oh, my gosh, that's amazing!
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