U.S. Amateur Championship

Monday, August 9, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Kevin O'Brien

Quick Quotes

Q. Obviously being a local guy, just talk me through the round, how it felt being out there playing today.

KEVIN O'BRIEN: I mean, super comfortable out here. Played here probably a dozen times and know some friends who are good players and members who showed me around in the practice round. You know play it pretty conservative off the tee, a lot of 2-irons, and just tried to not really short side myself and stay below the hole where you can because theses things are so fast.

Hit a couple loose ones down the stretch, but all in all played how I wanted to, and 70 is a pretty good score.

Q. Yeah, definitely. I know you started out hot there on the front. Just talk me through a few of those birdies you had on the front there.

KEVIN O'BRIEN: Yeah, started out, hit great shots first four holes. Had looks on every hole. Was just kind of missing, missing the putts, but hit good ones.

5 hit a really nice 6-iron to that back pin and made about a 10-footer to kind of get that rolling.

Had a nice look on 7 that just rolled by.

Made a pretty crazy one on 8. Was up left, punched through the trees, over the green, chipped back on, and made about a six-footer there.

Really first 11 holes didn't hit many bad shots. 11 hit one in there just right 20 feet and just made a nice putt there to get to 3-under. Beginning of the round was just right by the playbook.

Q. What are your thoughts on tomorrow, taking on Oakmont then? Had much experience playing Oakmont?

KEVIN O'BRIEN: Yes. I played the 2014 Pennsylvania Amateur there. Probably played about eight or so times. You know, the question's right in front of and you the answer is to hit really good shots all day.

You know, going to go out and kind of do the same thing we did today: try and make good swings, leave ourselves in good positions into these greens, and kind of see what the score is.

Either way, it's just great to be here and hitting it good so see what happens.

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111278-1-1041 2021-08-09 17:29:00 GMT

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