U.S. Amateur Championship

Monday, August 9, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Parker Coody

Quick Quotes

Q. So let's talk about a pretty solid round: Two birdies, two bogeys.

PARKER COODY: Yeah, no, kept the ball in front. I mean, (wind) a lot of long drivers and then putting and speed was really well, so really pleased.

Q. 70 at Oakmont. Does that sound good to you or how do you feel about?

PARKER COODY: Yeah, no, if you tell me I'm going to shoot even every time I tee it up here I'll take it, no doubt. It's just so penalizing off the tee, and miss in the wrong spots and you're looking at bogey. Just making sure you're not making double, so I'll definitely take even par.

Q. What was difficult? I know the wind has picked up here a little bit, but what was difficult about the course today?

PARKER COODY: Well, it was a little softer this morning. Some of those holes are playing longer than you first thought and then it dried out, so you kind of deal with that, knowing how far it's going to run off the fairways, and then the greens completely changed from when I tee'd off to when I finished.

So understanding your spin and how far you're going to hit it and where you're going to land it, just those little things that -- placing it in the right spots to actually give yourself a look at birdie.

Q. Now, obviously you had to qualify for this championship.


Q. Does it mean something to you, a little more, when you have to fight to get into this thing here?

PARKER COODY: No. I mean, I felt like I should have been in. I just didn't have a good spring. Definitely feel like I belong here. There is no question in my mind about that.

Once you tee it up everyone is on the same -- starts at even, so just go from there.

Q. You said you had not a great spring. What are you doing better now than in the spring?

PARKER COODY: Mentally a lot more solid. I mean, I can still hit it a lot better off the tee, but just managing my game, and my short game has been pretty good recently, so just keep the ball in front of me and going from there. I mean, that's all you can do out here.

Q. Do you feel like you're in a good place going into tomorrow?

PARKER COODY: Definitely. I'll have (wind) -- in the afternoon, so might play just a little bit harder so, but, I mean, you're still going to put up scores. There is still going to be good scores in the afternoon out there. I know I got to go shoot a few under and then go from there.

Q. Last question. I noticed your brother was kind of watching what was going on from up here before his tee time. Will you watch to see what he's doing?

PARKER COODY: Oh, yeah, definitely. We know each other's games so well. He knows how I'm feeling about certain holes before I get there and vice versa. We'll definitely talk and go over things tonight. No doubt about that.

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111281-1-1041 2021-08-09 17:48:00 GMT

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