U.S. Amateur Championship

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Donald Kay

Quick Quotes

Q. 65, 5-under on the round. Just take me through a little bit of the round. I know you started out hot and three birdies on the front and then the eagle on 8.

DONALD KAY: Yeah, well, I mean, I was just trying to enjoy my time out here. I knew it could end so I just wanted to play like how I would and just leave it all out there, yeah.

Q. Yeah. Tell me about the eagle on 8. Did you reach the green in two?

DONALD KAY: Yeah, eagle on 8 I hit it in the greenside bunker on the left so it was a pretty easy bunker shot. Just a chunk and run and I hit it perfectly and it just went in.

Q. Nice.

DONALD KAY: On perfect speed, yeah.

Q. After you saw the scores here yesterday and knowing that those low scores were out there, did you have a number in mind that you were targeting to get some of those strokes back from Oakmont's round yesterday?

DONALD KAY: Yeah, well, after Oakmont's round I wasn't too mad about it because I knew that course was really tough. I just came out with the same mindset of just playing my game. I knew the scores would come, especially seeing like 7-under yesterday.

Q. Yeah, did you start to think -- I know you were at 6 at one point on the back. Did that --

DONALD KAY: Oh, yeah, definitely. Because I think because Joe Highsmith from Pepperdine, so I knew he was the lowest.

Q. Yeah. What are your thoughts on the week so far? You played in one or two?

DONALD KAY: Yeah, one. I played at one at Pebble. I kind of came in here like knowing what to expect and kind of what it would take to make it to match play.

Q. So you're going to go onto match play tomorrow. Back at Oakmont tomorrow. What are you thoughts going into match play?

DONALD KAY: Just have fun. Yeah, that's it.

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