U.S. Amateur Championship

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Trent Phillips

Quick Quotes

Q. So pretty exciting to shoot a 69 at Oakmont, because there are very few 69s even if you go back to 2003. Very few people in stroke play get under par.


Q. How do you feel about the round?

TRENT PHILLIPS: You know, starting off I really wasn't hitting it that great, but I like this golf course. I like the fact that you got to be a grinder, and that is the name of my game. I like to grind.

And, no, I don't hit every shot perfect just like a lot of these other guys, but I feel like when it comes to grinding I'm good at getting it in the hole with the least strokes as possible, especially when I'm not in position.

So I think that sets up good for me. Yeah, I mean, this place is hard. I think I don't have to say that. You guys know that. So it was hard, but I hung in there and I played well.

Q. What did you think the first time you saw this course?

TRENT PHILLIPS: I've played so many golf courses. It's just another golf course, but it's unbelievable. Just like looking out through here, so much property and it's beautiful, and obviously I thought -- first instinct I thought, You got to drive it well.

I mean, I only hit like five fairways today, so obviously you don't have to drive it perfect to play well, but you just got to be able to score. I'm pretty good at doing that, so I think it sets up good for me.

Q. What did you do to score well then if you're not hitting fairways?

TRENT PHILLIPS: Just scrambling, man. Just leaving it in the right spots. Couple holes I play out different fairways just because I think it's a better play. I mean, obviously I might have a different strategy than someone else, but I think I got a good game plan. I'm just going to keep doing to the rest of the week.

Q. What holes do you did that? Did you do it on 11?

TRENT PHILLIPS: I did it on 11. I hit it down -- I'm a lefty so I don't like 1's tee shot very much, so I like to just try to put it on 9.

Q. On 1.

TRENT PHILLIPS: On 1. Those two, and then trying to think if there was any other holes.

It was downwind on, what is it, 4, I'm going to hit it over onto 5. I'm going to hit it onto 5.

Q. Right.

TRENT PHILLIPS: So I don't know. Just playing how I feel like I should play it.

Q. How many times did you play here to develop this strategy?

TRENT PHILLIPS: I just played it once.

Q. The practice round?


Q. And figured it out?

TRENT PHILLIPS: I just said screw it, I'm just going to do it.

Q. There is no trees, you can do it.

TRENT PHILLIPS: Yeah. I tend to play well on courses without a lot of hazards. I like to tee it up high and let it fly. That's kind of my strategy.

Q. You said you grinded well today. What was the best grinding par you made today, or the second best grinding par?

TRENT PHILLIPS: Par or birdie?

Q. Or even birdie. Tell me about --

TRENT PHILLIPS: 17 was kind of gross. So I was short left but kind of further up into the green to that middle left flag, so I kind of had to come over that bunker out of like a little nappy lie. Hit it to two feet, a flop. It was unreal. I kind of blacked out, I guess.

I don't really have anything else to say about that one. That was just kind of good. It was great, good shot.

Q. Did you drop some in that bunker in the practice rounds?

TRENT PHILLIPS: Oh, yeah. I was trying to leave it just short of the green but it was kind of wind off the right. I thought it was more into so I thought I would be shorter, but I kind of got -- I guess just kind of firm so it kind of scooted up through there. I was really just trying to make par and I ended up making birdie.

Q. I meant did you deliberately put some down in there and play out of the big bunker on 17?

TRENT PHILLIPS: Yeah, yeah, of course, because I knew I was hitting driver there. I like the way that tee shot sets up for the fade, so, yeah, I'll probably hit driver there for the rest of week.

Q. So Sunnehanna, now this. Something about western Pennsylvania you like?

TRENT PHILLIPS: I actually like it up here. I like the area. The vibes are good. Hopefully I can drawback on this Sunnehanna a little bit this week the rest of the time.

Q. When you saw the scores yesterday at Longue Vue, did you feel like you let some get away, didn't take advantage?

TRENT PHILLIPS: Of course. Scores were low. I didn't play great, but I hung in there. Birdied the last two holes. I wasn't playing great, to be honest with you. I had 37 putts.

I didn't have a one-putt yesterday, so to come out here today and do this when I needed to, it means a lot, and I'm excited for the rest of the week.

Q. How many putts did you have today? Did you count them yet?

TRENT PHILLIPS: I have to go back and look. I don't know. I had two three-putts, but I still had way less than yesterday.

Q. Do you feel confident since the course that you did perform the best on is the one you'll be at the rest of the week?

TRENT PHILLIPS: Makes me feel a little bit better. Yeah, like I said, I love a classic, hard, grinder golf course. This is fun. You just got to get out there and butt heads.

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111316-1-1041 2021-08-10 22:19:00 GMT

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