U.S. Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Mark Goetz

Quick Quotes

Q. So good playing. What would it mean to you to be the Medalist to this?

MARK GOETZ: Not really sure, man, to tell you the truth. I really just wanted to make match play. Once I got into the event that was really the next step.

So I just played solid, man. I'm not really sure what the medalist means.

Q. Was your play the continued the way you were playing yesterday this morning?

MARK GOETZ: Yeah, pretty close to it. Hit a good first tee ball on 4, and then really probably the worst putt I hit in the last two days, I just left it about five feet short on 5 from below it and missed that.

That was my first bogey and only one. Other than that, it was really similar.

Q. What will you do the rest the day? Obviously they'll have to fill in the bracket and you'll be LOC'd. What would you do during the interim?

MARK GOETZ: Probably going to run and grab some breakfast. Really didn't eat too big of a breakfast this morning.

Pretty much just hang out, man. This isn't a bad spot to hang out and kill some time. Probably hang out in the clubhouse and grab something to eat.

Q. You talked before about how Sean Knapp has helped you. What are a couple things that maybe he has helped you with mentally as you enter match play?

MARK GOETZ: The one thing that he says is just get off to a good start, or as best of a start as you can.

You know, it was really the same thing as yesterday. Run because you're scared. It you get up early, just make it two, make it three, make it four.

But he said something to me about just playing solid. He just said, Just don't miss the center of the face all day and you'll be fine. I think there is a lot of truth to that, so that's definitely something.

Q. Finally, 68 matches the low score at Oakmont.


Q. Does this give you a certain amount of confidence heading into match play?

MARK GOETZ: Yeah, for sure. I think my speed on these greens has been really good. Short game has been great. We've done a really good job getting myself around this place without getting in too many bad spots, or if we did, getting out of it quick and back in position.

That's my low round at Oakmont by three shots so for me, that's big for sure.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111330-1-1041 2021-08-11 14:17:00 GMT

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