U.S. Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Joe Highsmith

Quick Quotes

Q. Was today just about getting out, finishing those eight holes, getting in with a respectable score, and switching your focus to match play?

JOE HIGHSMITH: Yeah, for sure. Definitely towards the end it was just like, All right, let's finish this off. I know it's not the best attitude to have out there but it was tough.

Yesterday was longest day of my life just sitting there for like five hours. Definitely glad to through to match play. Wish I would've finished stronger.

Q. Yeah. The eight holes you did play this morning, what was the course like compared to yesterday?

JOE HIGHSMITH: I thought it was actually pretty similar. Obviously it was a little more firm, but it was still soft. I think we got pretty lucky with the draw.

I mean, from what I heard about Oakmont that first day is it was rock hard, windy, and we got soft greens pretty much the whole time. I don't know if it's going to look the same in match play. I'm sure they'll try it get it firmer.

It was actually pretty manageable. I'm sure the scores are fairly low compared to the first day.

Q. Yeah, they were a bit. What's the mindset going into match play now? Onto the round 64.

JOE HIGHSMITH: Yeah, I'm just going to stay to the game plan and really just try to commit to one shot at a time. I mean, I know if I do that I'll probably be all right. My tendency is to get ahead of myself and get distracted.

For me it's really just mental. I feel like I know how to tackle this course. It's just about executing the shots.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111331-1-1041 2021-08-11 14:22:00 GMT

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