U.S. Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Travis Vick

Quick Quotes

Q. So solid play here at Oakmont, which as you know is a pretty tough course. How did you play today?

TRAVIS VICK: Played pretty good overall. You know, I hit it really well out here, and like DJ said, kind of have to hit the driver sometimes and not lay back, and you just have to man up and hit good drives.

That's what we did. Thankfully I have a caddie that's kind of a local guy here so we were able to take some different lines with a driver. Like hit it down different fairways depending on pins and all that.

But the ball striking was on pointe, and then going into match play hopefully I can make a few more putts. Got work on in this afternoon.

Q. You made an eagle at 12. Was the driver helpful there?

TRAVIS VICK: It was, yeah. I hit it to the right center of the fairway and had 238 in; hit a 5-iron to about 10 feet, pin high left, and made it.

Q. Trying to make a double eagle like did you at the Junior Am?

TRAVIS VICK: I would being lying to say I was trying to go after that pin. I was trying to miss right because you can't go left. Thankfully got a good break, so...

Q. How do you feel about your game overall going into match play and what do you have to do to advance?

TRAVIS VICK: I think I have to hit the driver well. That's the key aspect. You know, I feel pretty good with my ball striking right now. Everything feels comfortable.

The only thing I need to work on is putting, especially kind of the five-footers. It's very tough on those fast greens. If I can get that down, I like where my game is at.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111335-1-1041 2021-08-11 14:57:00 GMT

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