U.S. Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Ricky Castillo

Quick Quotes

Q. So got off to a quick start in this one.

RICKY CASTILLO: Yeah, I knew just stick to my game plan. I was just really excited to get back out there after the weather delay. I think all of us just wanted to go out and play golf and we were sick and tired of sitting in the locker room for a few hours.

Just got off to a hot start, hit few good shots, made a few good putts, and just never looked back from there. It was a good match.

Q. Conceded birdie at 2 and then you birdied the fourth.

RICKY CASTILLO: Yeah, the third and fourth. I just hit a good drive on 2. They that made it reachable today. It to the front edge of the green and I conceded eagle putt. I think he ended up in the back bunker and ended up make a 5 or something like that.

Q. Yeah.

RICKY CASTILLO: And then made a good putt on 4 -- on 3 from like 10 feet. He stuck it in there to about two feet and I needed to make it to probably tie the hole, and then made it.

Then on 4 made a good putt to just keep the momentum going. Just led me throughout the whole match and it was a really good day.

Q. Is it exciting for you to be here after not playing last year?

RICKY CASTILLO: Yeah, absolutely. After last year I was just excited to be here at a place like Oakmont. How can we get better than this? So I was excited just to be here and get the opportunity to play. It was fun.

Q. Obviously you've done well in the Amateur before. Made a round of 16 before. What kind of confidence do you gain from having had success previously?

RICKY CASTILLO: I mean, I just makes me know that it's a long week and anything can happen. Just got to play your own game and just play one shot, one match at a time.

So just it's a long week and you just got to stay patient, especially on a course like this.

Q. Does it feel I guess comforting that your match is out of the way and a lot of these guys have to come back tomorrow and play their first-round match?

RICKY CASTILLO: Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty tired. I got out here at 6:15 this morning since I had to finish seven holes. It's nice to be able to sleep in tomorrow and be able to get some rest.

Yeah, it was nice finishing the match before it got dark and everything, because I know it's going to be tough, especially since I have momentum in the match. When you sleep on it, momentum can change quickly.

So I was glad to finish the match like that.

Q. You bummed that you're going to have to sit around and wait for so long? You've been sitting around all week trying to get out there and play. Does that bum you out a little bit, especially when play as well as you did today, too, right?

RICKY CASTILLO: Yeah, at least I get to sit in the hotel and not in the locker room. At least I get a bed or something like that.

Q. Do anything fun? How did you spend the time?

RICKY CASTILLO: I was just on my phone for three hours. I had nothing to do. There is nothing really to do. It was tough, but everybody had to deal with it and everybody had to go through it, so...

Q. How important was it to get out to that early lead today?

RICKY CASTILLO: It was just important just to have the momentum and just really take control of the match.

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