U.S. Amateur Championship

Friday, August 13, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

David Nyfjall

Quick Quotes

Q. David, a tough finish in a really strong match between the two of you over the last two days. I know obviously you lost, but how was the match in your view?

DAVID NYFJALL: Well, it was really fun I guess is a way of describing it. That's kind of why we do this stuff, to get into those close moments and being nervous and fighting to the bitter end.

Obviously bummed to just fall short here, but looking back I'm sure I'll think of it as a good time.

Q. When you looked at that, you had to think about that putted overnight I'm sure.


Q. How did you read it and how did it break?

DAVID NYFJALL: It was a little bit left to right, not too much. Like I said, 12 feet. Maybe played to a cup a break or something outside. I think I might have pushed it a little bit. Missed it slightly on the low side.

Q. Uh-huh.

DAVID NYFJALL: Kind of did what I thought it would do.

Q. Then this whole week, to come out of the playoff and then you take out the medalist and then obviously Ricky is a strong opponent, tell me about the whole experience for you.

DAVID NYFJALL: It's been amazing I would say. Playing at venues like this is good no matter how well you play. But it's been a roller coaster of emotions for sure.

Kind of on that back nine at Longue Vue I don't know how many days ago, but that was kind of -- you know, I thought it was in and then thought it was out, and then sitting in the restaurant I thought it was out for sure.

Then make it to the 64 spot and it was really, really crazy experience.

Q. How about the drama of you made the par putt to get through on the playoff and then like the 24-footer to win the -- and winning the last four holes. How is that emotion?

DAVID NYFJALL: Yeah, it's pretty special. Pretty nerve wracking, I would say. Walking down 18 yesterday against Ricky I was -- realized I hadn't probably been this nervous for this long for a long time, or probably ever.

But pretty fun to make those clutch putts and just (indiscernible) to lose today.

Q. What you do you take away from this, especially heading into your college season? I would assume your confidence is way high now after this experience.

DAVID NYFJALL: Yeah, no, confidence boost for sure. My game has been I would say okay the past year; it's not been amazing.

I feel like I'm getting back to it. I think this is a good confirmation I'm doing the right things. Super excited to get going.

Q. Finally, you went through this experience with your girlfriend on the bag.


Q. How was that between you and then how did she help you through all this?

DAVID NYFJALL: It was super fun to have her on the bag and she was really helpful. She's never actually -- doesn't play golf and hasn't really caddied anything before.

She was new to this, but she runs cross country at Northwestern so she knows how to handle pressure and compete. It was just perfect to have her to remind me that we got this.

Just keep fighting until the end.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111417-1-1041 2021-08-13 12:43:00 GMT

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