U.S. Amateur Championship

Friday, August 13, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Devon Bling

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell me about the last hole and how you made the conceded birdie.

DEVON BLING: I just hit it long left over the green. It was in a perfect spot, a lot green to work with; wedged it.

I hit a perfect flop shot. Came off perfect, released perfectly. I didn't see how close it went and he just picked it up and gave it back.

Q. Must've been pretty tight.

DEVON BLING: Yeah. Somebody told me it was like around three, four inches.

Q. What's that like going back and forth and going that long in a match?

DEVON BLING: It's tiring, it's grueling. We both played well, fought as hard as we could.

You know, that's the way match play is. You got to make putts, got to hit shots. That's just the way match play is. No other way to describe it.

Q. Any particular shot you felt kept you in the match going down the stretch?

DEVON BLING: I mean, I made a 15-footer to par to extend it on 16, which is our 20th hole. I don't know. I think that's the putt that -- I mean, I miss that and I lose, so, yeah, it was probably that putt.

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111419-2-1041 2021-08-13 13:15:00 GMT

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