U.S. Amateur Championship

Friday, August 13, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Austin Greaser

Quick Quotes

Q. Obviously got out there and got off to a great start. Seemed to be in good shape. How do you feel about the way you were playing?

AUSTIN GREASER: I felt good. I felt good from the start. Just hit the middle of the face a lot and finally got some putts to go my way there on the back nine. Started winning some holes, and just kept riding the wave and just riding what I was feeling.

Worked out today.

Q. You made a lot of birdies on the back. Talk about a few of those.

AUSTIN GREASER: I mean, I think the rain last night and all this week has really softened this course up and made it a lot more gettable. You can attack a lot of pins that you probably wouldn't be able to get after if it was playing like it usually does.

Just got to take advantage of it, because if you don't, somebody will. Just trying to throw some darts, make some putts, and see where it lands.

Q. How much is your success at the Western Amateur helping you right now?

AUSTIN GREASER: Like I said last night, I think it helps a lot, and a lot to build off. A lot of confidence in that. But we didn't get to finish it off there, so there is a lot of work to be done here still, and just focusing on the next match, the next hole, next shot and we'll just see what happens.

We've got a long week ahead.

Q. You went pretty far there. Is there a comfort level knowing what's to come as you move through the bracket?

AUSTIN GREASER: I think so. Everybody here is just unbelievable. I just happened to get hot today against Jacob. He's a great player. Just I probably had a little bit more than he did today. It might be different another day if we get to play again.

Whoever it is, you got to respect them. Everybody her is obviously playing really well this week to make it this far. You got to take every match as serious as you take the one you may have just won.

Q. What in particular about your game has been clicking this week? What do you think has been the best part?

AUSTIN GREASER: I'm hitting my driver really well. I feel like that's a weapon for me. I'm hitting it pretty straight and hitting a lot of fairways, and therefore having some short irons in to take advantage of some of the pins.

Just keep swinging that well and hopefully make a putt or two, like I said see where it goes.

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