U.S. Amateur Championship

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Travis Vick

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, Travis, let's talk about what went on out there today.

TRAVIS VICK: Well, there was a lot that went on. I think it was really cool to play in an atmosphere like that. Never done that before.

I was asking Ben and he said he thought there was about a thousand people following our group, plus it was on television, so that was really neat, just to be here and be competing.

In regards to the golf, definitely was not my A game out there. Was struggling in pretty much every facet of the game. So that stinks when have something to play for like the Masters and you show up and you don't play your best golf.

So looking at the week and totality I would say it's a tremendous success. There was a lot of positives that I'm going to build off on.

But as of right now I'm definitely disappointed.

Q. He won those four straight holes on you, going to be tough to come back from, but you did win the next two. What was going on there? What were you thinking?

TRAVIS VICK: Yeah, it seemed like he was playing pretty good, especially when he won four in a row.

So, you know, I was kind of needing a break, and I caught one on 15 with his drive. Was able to make par and escape that.

On 16 he hits it way left and hit a good shot on 16, and so got it to 1-down headed into 17.

I was like, Well, here we go. Little hope there, but, yeah, once we were walking off 14 green I pretty much thought it was over.

Q. How much did you think about kind of what all came with advancing out of today, and looking forward what did you learn? Did you think about it too much and moving forward do you think you'll think about it less?

TRAVIS VICK: That's a good question. I think there is a lot to learn from this, and a lot of it is the same mistakes in the past with not as much intention as, you know, this round.

It's the same stuff in amateur events. I have a history of playing really good the first two rounds, always near the leaderboard, and then falling down the final round. So there is something that I'm doing mechanically. It's not emotionally or mentally. I feel like I'm in a good spot there.

I was glad there was TV cameras out there videoing my swing so we can figure out what's going on. I'm going to sit down with my coach and have some deep discussions over that. Hey, there is some consistency in misses when I have this sort of feeling and I would like it to be addressed; we're going to address that.

Q. Was there something in particular about Austin's game that impressed you today?

TRAVIS VICK: I think he's a great player. Obviously to be here in this position you have to have some sort of game. So I like his game a lot. He strictly cuts off the tee and approach shots. He's just a cut player.

But if I was going to give analysis of a game I would say he's a solid player.

Q. What about his putting?

TRAVIS VICK: I think he struggled with the speeds. It looked like they cut them last night or something, but they were rolling at least two feet faster. I would say his putting -- I think he was struggling with the speed a little bit of the greens.

Q. Big Texas guy, what about his Texas wedge, he had that shot on 3, and then the one on 17.

TRAVIS VICK: Yeah, the one on 3 is not as hard as it looks, because all have to do is get it over that hill and it will filter down.

The one on 17 I would say was more difficult than the one on 3. So I found that impressive, and then what he did on 14. Looked like he had an extra gear and kind of went after a drive and it was 358, and he drove the green, so that was pretty impressive.

The one on 3 in my opinion wasn't all that hard of a putt.

Q. Was that your plan on 15, to try and drive it?

TRAVIS VICK: Yeah, that was the play. With it being downwind like that, definitely the play.

Q. You made the nice putt on 3 and really not much after that. That get frustrating after a while?

TRAVIS VICK: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I felt like Santa Claus out there just giving him gifts. Yeah, no, I gifted him so many holes just with three-putts, so you can't do that with the caliber of player he is. You can't be gifting people holes, that's for sure.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111487-1-1041 2021-08-14 22:34:00 GMT

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