U.S. Amateur Championship

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Oakmont, Pennsylvania, USA

Oakmont Country Club

Austin Greaser

Quick Quotes

Q. Where did you start to feel a turning and maybe starting to slip away there on the back?

AUSTIN GREASER: I mean, I think everybody just -- he hit a really good shot on 10. Hats off to him there. Hit a really good shot to three feet for birdie. That was a good start.

Then I just made some mistakes there on 11, 12, 13, just bogey, bogey, bogey. That's never going to look good on the scorecard. I think you can kind of see it. I found some magic on 14 to make one to stay in it a little bit more.

Just didn't execute coming down the stretch. I think it's pretty obvious. He won four holes in a row there and kind of tides changed, and that's how it goes.

Q. I was going to ask you about the putt on 14, gave you a little charge, a little energy, but then you knock it in the church pews there on 15.

AUSTIN GREASER: Yeah, I mean, I felt like I was due for about a 20, 25-footer. Hadn't made one almost all day. I gave it my best read, but again, just needed that drive to cut just a hair. It's hard to miss these fairways out here. You get penalized quite a lot, and I did that quite a bit coming down the stretch and paid for it. Just got to take it in stride.

Q. Talk about the 17, how good that was and what was the difficulty level and was it easy or harder after you watch his shot?

AUSTIN GREASER: I think I had a pretty good lie. I don't think it was the toughest bunker shot I had all week. I had a lot of green to work with, so not easy, just because of the nerves. I mean, you know you got to win the hole. 2-down with two to play.

I hit a really good one there. I think it made it a little bit easier after he did it, but like I've said all week, I don't think what does really changes my game plan. It's not like just because he hits it on the green or not, I'm trying to hit it to 8 or 20 feet. Always trying to get it as close as I can.

You know, I felt like I hit a good putt there and it just didn't go in, so just how it goes.

Q. How different were the speeds, speed of the greens and how much was that an issue for you today?

AUSTIN GREASER: Yeah, they were definitely faster. I think got a little wind, a little sun, firmed them up a little bit. I think they were able to roll and cut them a few times and that really sped them up. Caused me a few issues, if I'm being honest, I think especially on the first 18.

I think I had couple three-putts and then one putt from off the green that got away from me. May have cost me a hole or two, it's Oakmont. It's hard. You can be 20 feet away and barely able to get it next to the hole. So fast or not, just you still got to execute.

Q. Do you feel like there was a different feeling out there today? Both of you weren't playing necessarily as well as you had earlier in the week. Did you get a sense that maybe the game wasn't quite what it had been?

AUSTIN GREASER: Maybe the first 18 I felt like that maybe here and there. I think it firmed up a lot. The greens firmed up. As this place gets firmer Oakmont starts to show its teeth more and more.

I wouldn't expect either of us to really have shot under par today. If we did, I think it would be surprising for everybody. But I got it going there on the front nine and the second 18, and just kind of stumbled after the turn.

That's golf. Up and downs and just how it is.

Q. Did you think the tee shot at 17, I know you can't see it, did you think it was good or did you think it was in the bunker?

AUSTIN GREASER: Usually you can tell by the crowd's Oohs and Ahhs, and there was another ooh and then an Ah, so I knew it probably rolled in the bunker there.

But I'm confident in my bunker game and I knew I could hit a close one, and hopefully he kind of messed up, like he did. But hats off. Made a 25, 25-footer for par and I miss, so, you know, good putt to him.

Q. As far as perspective on the week, can you describe what it's like to go from 300 whatever at the beginning to this morning and only two placards out there?

AUSTIN GREASER: Yeah, me and Carter were talking about in this morning, my caddie. It's a very unique experience, an opportunity of a lifetime.

Who knows if I'll ever be standing back up here like this again. I'm going to work for it and it's going to make my work harder the next year to be here again, but it's pretty cool. You got the best golfers in the world, and to be able to be one the last two is something special. It's something that I'm going to cherish for a long time.

Q. What's stood out in your mind about James' play today?

AUSTIN GREASER: I felt like he didn't make a lot of birdies but he just didn't do a lot wrong. He just kind of plotted his way around the golf course, got up and down when he needed to, made a couple putts, a lot of pars, and unfortunately I was probably making more bogeys today than I had all week.

He slipped up and got me couple times. So I just like how he kind of plots his way around, makes pars, and doesn't force anything, and knows this is a hard golf course. He's a great kid. We had a great time out there. Some good conversations.

I wish him all the best going forward.

Q. What did you guys talk about out there?

AUSTIN GREASER: I think the first thing was, especially in the afternoon, was how crazy it was out there. There had to be a thousand people out there I think at some point. The fairways were lined and we had said something along the lines of people were standing five yards off the fairway and I don't know if we're that accurate from 300 yards.

We just kind of, you know, talked about school, what year he is, just normal stuff. Not special. Just kind of keep the mood light. He's a great kid, like I said, and we had a great time.

Q. How difficult is it to have the crowds that close and deal with that many people for the first time?

AUSTIN GREASER: Yeah, I think yesterday was way more difficult for me to settle in it. It was nothing like I had ever seen before, so that was very -- I'm not even sure what to say about it. I was just kind of speechless about how it played out, and how everybody was walking down the fairway and you were weaving in and out of people all day.

Today was expected. Both of us expected it more. Made it a little bit easier. But there were a couple times out there I couldn't even see the flagstick. It gets lost in the mix. But it's really cool to play in front of everybody like that. You know, I wouldn't have traded it for the world or wanted it any differently.

Q. Does it make your tee shots and approaches that much more tighter?

AUSTIN GREASER: Maybe a little bit, but at least they give you the -- where the landing zone is. You know you got to hid hit it in the middle of them. They kind of line the fairways and like the greens.

It does a little bit, but I think both of us, and especially me, I get focused on my target, and if I miss it a little bit, we'll yell fore. Doesn't happen a lot. Just focus on your target, and it's the same golf as if nobody was out there.

Q. You said the Western Am a couple weeks ago was the best tournament, best you've played. Is that still the current assessment or did this week top it?

AUSTIN GREASER: This week had to top it. I mean, semifinals, first finalist. This is probably a bigger tournament, bigger field. I don't know about the power ranking or whatever on the WAGR System, but give or take, I still had way more fun this week.

I know, probably I like this course more. I mean, Oakmont is probably historically pretty cool and I really enjoyed my time here this week and the fans and everybody. It was really, really cool, really neat experience.

You know, really stinks to come up just a hair short, but there were a lot of kids that probably wished they were standing where I was today, and I'm going to try and remember that and know that I played my heart out and gave my best.

Q. Were you asked to stand off to the side during the trophy presentation or did you decide to stay up there?

AUSTIN GREASER: Yeah, I mean, I wanted to stay. You know, I mean, he played well. He got the best of me on the back nine. I wanted to give him a couple claps and whatnot. Hats off to him. No reason I needed to leave.

Q. Oakmont is hard. Now that you played it for a week, how hard is it?

AUSTIN GREASER: I mean, I don't think it gets any easier. I think knowing the course helps, knowing where to put the ball, knowing where you can't miss, where you can miss.

It's pretty much always good to play from below the hole here except for a couple greens. The more rounds you get on it the more comfortable you feel. Doesn't mean you're going to play well, but at least you know the course a little bit better.

So it's still very, very hard.

Q. Silver lining: You come up a little short today, but you're in the Masters, U.S. Open. Talk a little bit about what you're looking forward to for next year.

AUSTIN GREASER: Yeah, I mean, I haven't given it much thought. We were talking about it as a family, a friend group last night, and that's super cool. I was just trying to stay focused on today. Right now I'm a little bit down, so that's definitely a good silver lining to it.

Going to be a really cool experience, and I'll get to hang out with James a little bit more and I think we'll have a good time there to go. I'm really looking forward to it. I think my life will probably change quite a bit here coming up in the next few months. I just kind of want to reflect on this week before thinking forward too much.

Who knows where I'm at in eight months. Just taking it day by day and getting ready for those events, of course, and that's going to be really cool.

But just want to stay in the moment here for a little bit.

Q. What's next for you? School?

AUSTIN GREASER: School starts Wednesday, so.

Q. That's a bummer.

AUSTIN GREASER: Yeah, got to drive home tonight and pack it up and leave tonight or Tuesday morning. So going to be in the classroom Wednesday morning all things go as planned. Going to be a quick turnaround, a lot of driving, but that's the life of a student athlete, I guess.

Q. Back to reality.

AUSTIN GREASER: Back to reality.

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111559-1-1041 2021-08-15 23:05:00 GMT

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