U.S. Amateur Championship

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Paramus, New Jersey, USA

The Ridgewood Country Club

Hugo Townsend

Quick Quotes

Q. So let's talk about how well you played today, and I guess let's start with the eagle at 9.

HUGO TOWNSEND: That was a good one. A little hybrid up there, and holed a slider from the back of the edge of the green. So that was a bonus for sure. I was just happy to 2-putt it. But when it dropped, it was a nice relief for sure.

Q. How long do you think it was?

HUGO TOWNSEND: I don't know, maybe 30 feet. So back edge of the green to the flag placement. Pretty nice.

Q. Did you know much about this course before you played it? Yesterday guys had some trouble here.

HUGO TOWNSEND: Not really. I was just happy to be out early. I played afternoon yesterday, and the greens were getting baked, the wind was picking up. I mean, the courses are tough, the rough is thick.

So I was just happy. I felt like if I could keep some balls in the fairway this morning, I could take advantage of the first 12 holes kind of with a little softer greens and maybe a little more true roll to the ball on the greens before everyone walks everywhere on them.

But definitely was nice to get out early. I was a little worried ant getting out this early, but it worked out well.

Q. Was there any particular stroke or hole that kept the momentum going in the round?

HUGO TOWNSEND: I think 8 and 9, for sure, that just kind of like -- those pole placements are hard, just trying to survive, just trying to make pars, especially with how hard these courses are.

So to make birdie on 8, which is already a very difficult hole, and then get the bonus with eagle on 9, definitely made me a little more comfortable on the back nine where I just start hitting to the fat parts of the green and just kind of lagging them up, making pars.

And then made an errant tee shot on 16, made a bad bogey. But other than that, it was pretty solid.

Q. Tell me about the birdie at 8, since that was significant?

HUGO TOWNSEND: Well, it was just -- it was a nice ride right up the right side. I had about a 6-iron, about 200-something yards, and the flag was kind of tucked back. So wasn't really trying to go for the hole, but I pulled it a little bit, and it ends up being about four feet. So that was very fortunate.

Q. You've had good experience in this championship, and you've gotten through match play pretty far first two times you've been in. What can that experience help you in the next coming days?

HUGO TOWNSEND: I don't know. I've played a ton of match play. I wouldn't say I'm the best match play player. I kind of like playing stroke play. So it just depends. I try and just not really think anything different, just if you play good stroke play golf in match play, normally it works out.

I mean, everyone knows that match play there's a lot of variables, you can play someone who has their day and there's not a lot you can do, or you can play someone who's struggling a lot and you don't really need to do that good yourself.

So just have a good mindset to it and just try and enjoy the week.

Q. What's the best part of your game going into match play you think?

HUGO TOWNSEND: I think I'm a decent recovery kind of player. I feel like I hole some good putts at times. And I normally drive it very straight. I've struggled these last two days with my driving. So hopefully I can try and tune up before tomorrow at Ridgewood because otherwise it's going to be a long day, or short.

So, yeah, it's hopefully just keep the ball in play and then just hole some key putts in match play is always fun. Normally have success with that.

Q. Obviously your father played in the Walker Cup, he played in two Ryder Cup teams. Has he given you any advice about playing in match play over the years?

HUGO TOWNSEND: I wouldn't say just particularly match play, we play match play so seldom. I mean, he's helped me a lot growing up, you know, when I was younger and a lot of just technical aspects or how to hit the ball maybe more, just like thinking how to get around the golf course when you don't have your best stuff.

And I definitely take a lot of pride in that the last two days, because I haven't had my best stuff off the tee, but I've kind of figured out a way to maneuver the course and play smart golf where pars are good on many of these holes, and just trying to stick around.

You never know, these courses are so tough, so you just got to -- just want to have a lot of opportunities to make pars and just lag them up the hole. And pars especially at USGA events, they go a long way.

So it's been good so far. So hopefully keep the momentum going and have a fun week.

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