U.S. Amateur Championship

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Paramus, New Jersey, USA

The Ridgewood Country Club

Adrien Dumont de Chassart

Quick Quotes

Q. Let me ask you about that, you're in the match play, the first time you played a U.S. Amateur, you weren't able to make match play? How does it feel?

ADRIEN DUMONT DE CHASSART: It feels nice. Yeah, indeed, when I played three years ago, I missed by one or two shots. I kind of choked towards the end. I was very pissed at myself.

But, yeah, it feels nice. I played very solid on these first two days. My short game was on point, which helped me to, like, stay. So I had a good score.

And especially today, I started very well, 3-under after five, not hitting the ball very well but making some good up-and-downs and one chip-in. And then I had a tough time from hole 7 to like 12, kind of grinding, making some really good pars. Then I started playing a little better towards the end. So that was positive for tomorrow.

Q. What were your expectations coming in, considering you had a very good Big Ten championship season, then you got the match play at the Western?

ADRIEN DUMONT DE CHASSART: Yeah, I've been playing well this summer. I think driving the ball better, which helps. I just wanted to stick to my game plan. And I knew if I play my game, there's a good chance I'd make the cut.

Q. Coming from Belgium, what would it mean to you to win a U.S. Amateur? For the U.S. kids, it's a big, big thing. But how about somebody from Europe?

ADRIEN DUMONT DE CHASSART: I mean, it means a lot. I don't think anyone from Belgium has ever won a U.S. Am. And it would be also cool to play in the majors. Just having access to the Masters and U.S. Open is something very cool.

Q. Just talk briefly about your round today. You made four birdies. And how about that stretch where you made three in a row, 3, 4, and 5. Tell us how you did it.

ADRIEN DUMONT DE CHASSART: I hit a great shot on hole No. 3, hit it to two feet. Easy birdie.

Then made a great putt for birdie on hole 4, very fast putt. And I made it, so, like, all right, I'll take it.

Q. How long was it?

ADRIEN DUMONT DE CHASSART: About 15 feet, but I was left of the pin, so it was very fast.

And then on hole 5, hit my driver right, missed short right of the green. And wasn't the hardest chip, but hit it very well and it went in. So it was a good chip-in.

Q. How much experience do you have in match play?

ADRIEN DUMONT DE CHASSART: Quite a lot. Coming from Europe, we play a lot of match play tournaments. We have European Team Championship every year, and even at home I just like to play match play against my buddies. So I do have some experience.

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123812-1-1222 2022-08-16 17:59:00 GMT

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