U.S. Amateur Championship

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Paramus, New Jersey, USA

The Ridgewood Country Club

Mark Costanza

Quick Quotes

Q. Take me through that last hole. You knew the pressure was on and you knew what the cut line was.

MARK COSTANZA: Yeah, we knew what the number was. I made double on 2, so my 11th hole, and I was saying to myself, I get three more coming in, I'd be in clean. So I ended up getting one, and then I knew I needed to make one on the last hole. Hit a great shot my second shot. I just pulled it a touch, rolled down the slope to the left, hit it up there about 25 feet past the hole, and super quick putt down the hill. It was one that I almost kind of willed into the hole because I had so many chances on that back nine to make a birdie and I had great putts and great looks at it and couldn't get one to drop. It's just really satisfying to make that one at the end.

Q. Having played here before, did you know that green pretty well?

MARK COSTANZA: Yeah, I know it's super fast from back to front. In hindsight I probably wish I would have left my second shot a little bit further to the right, but I can't help but kind of get a little bit aggressive and feeling the adrenaline, and I just put a full swing on it.

But yeah, I knew what it did, and I knew my putt was going to be super fast, but I almost knew that the second one might not matter, so glad it went in.

Q. Obviously you're pretty excited; how does this rank level-wise of excitement right now?

MARK COSTANZA: Oh, man, it's awesome. I'd be kicking myself if I didn't make that putt and we'll obviously see what happens, but I played really well the last two days. I've had -- I made a triple yesterday and I made a double today. If I take just a couple strokes off both of those, I'm in clean.

It would have been really disappointing given how well I played to not have a chance, but I'm glad that at least I have a chance now, and it's such an amazing stage, and being so close to home, I hope I can keep moving on.

Q. To follow that, you had one of the largest galleries out here today and they let it out when you made that putt. Did you hear them?

MARK COSTANZA: Yeah, I definitely heard them. I was screaming on the inside, I can tell you that. I kind of knew because a lot of guys were saying they were going to come out and watch, and if I can get into match play, I think it'll only grow from there. I look forward to the excitement, and I enjoy playing on this kind of stage, and I just hope I can move forward.

Q. Obviously you played very well at the Mid-Am last year. Are you still at that level, or where are you at in your game right now?

MARK COSTANZA: Yeah, I don't think much has really changed. I feel like -- I think I've kind of figured out what my game is, and instead of trying to do too much or trying to hit shots that aren't comfortable, I just hit the shots that are comfortable for me. I've figured out a routine and a game plan that kind of works for me, and I've been able to have success over the last two or three years. It's more satisfying than ever to have success here against the best players in the world.

Q. If it works out that 15 at Ridgewood is the first playoff hole tomorrow, will you think about that tee shot all night?

MARK COSTANZA: Yeah, probably will. Might have to take a melatonin or something to make sure I go to sleep, otherwise I'll be up all night. But yeah, whatever the shot is, we'll be ready to go in morning, and we'll just do my best.

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