U.S. Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Paramus, New Jersey, USA

The Ridgewood Country Club

Sam Bennett

Quick Quotes

Q. First of all, let's talk about that shot you just hit in there to about two and a half feet.

SAM BENNETT: Yeah, that was good. I had the lead pretty much the whole match, and hit a few errant shots when I should have just hit to the center of the green. Had to go to a playoff hole, but I told Kortan on the first playoff hole, my coach, this is why we play the game and this is what I'm made for. I hit a nice low nipper and one-hop stopped to a couple feet to close it out.

Q. What club did you use and what was the yardage on the shot?

SAM BENNETT: It was 66 and I was trying to land it 60 and just kind of back-foot it and just kind of hit it low and hop it up there and checked.

Q. You had a couple of 2-up leads in the match and he came back on you. What were you doing well to get the lead?

SAM BENNETT: Yeah, classic northeast golf. You've got to hit it in the fairway, and I was doing that. I think I missed only two or three fairways, which is pretty good out here. I was just hitting solid iron shots at the enter of the green and giving myself a lot of looks. Nick was down most of the match, but he kept on putting pressure on me, and he was stacking shots and I was, too, but it was kind of a tough first-round matchup because we're both pretty high ranked, but it is what it is.

Q. What did you see on that five-footer for par on 18 that you had to close out the match?

SAM BENNETT: Yeah, my coach gave me a bad read (laughing). No, it was inside left, and I think I tugged it a little bit to just outside the hole, and it didn't break.

Q. The size of the field coupled with the format, do you think the U.S. Amateur is the hardest tournament to win that you guys play?

SAM BENNETT: For sure. There's 364 golfers and only two rounds of stroke play. First it takes good golf to get here, and then the two days of medal play is nerve-racking because you know you just need to get to match play and then anything can happen. It doesn't matter if you're 1 seed or 64 seed. Yeah, it's a brutal week, but it's a lot of fun.

Q. How did your experience at the U.S. Open make you more comfortable here?

SAM BENNETT: For sure, yeah, U.S. Open was great, and I played multiple PGA TOUR events leading up to this. I think just knowing that I belong and that I'm one of the best players out here -- sometimes I get overlooked. I know Brentley Romine and some other guys mentioned me as a favorite, and I was like, what, 3 in WAGR, cut at the U.S. Open. I've got a little chip on my shoulder, but I'm good where I'm at.

Q. You surprised a lot of people by deciding to stay in school for one more year. You kind of talk about that chip on your shoulder. In the back of your mind are you back out here because you decided to stay in school and you really want to get a W this week?

SAM BENNETT: Yeah, I really want to win. This is probably my last U.S. Am, and at Bandon two years ago I made it pretty deep to the round of 16 and then last year Oakmont ate my lunch. Everybody told me coming into this week that this course really would suit my game. I got the hard part done yesterday getting to match play, and now the first match out of the way, so I'm looking forward to the rest of the way.

Q. Does having the experience of playing in previous U.S. Amateurs, how does that help you this time around?

SAM BENNETT: Just know it's a long week. It's a grind. I think I prepared pretty good leading into the week. I haven't played -- I played U.S. Open and Palmer Cup, that's it, but other than that, I've been kind of resting, just hanging out with some buddies and not playing any summer tournaments. I feel like I was pretty prepared coming into this week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
123837-1-1002 2022-08-17 18:44:00 GMT

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