U.S. Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Paramus, New Jersey, USA

The Ridgewood Country Club

Peyton Snoeberger

Quick Quotes

Q. What a day for you, get through the playoff and then you go through a long match and beat the No. 1 seed?

PEYTON SNOEBERGER: Yeah, it was fun. It was exciting. Like I said, it was a little weird at first getting here so early and having that 15-for-11 playoff. That's something you don't have very often. It's kind of a weird situation. But I was able to get through, and today's match, Luke played a great match, and it was long, but I'm on to tomorrow.

Q. Where would you rank this day in your golf life?

PEYTON SNOEBERGER: It's definitely up there. This is a great tournament, and this is the first time being here for me, so it's definitely going to be a special one.

Q. Is this your first USGA championship?


Q. What were your expectations coming in, and what's it like now that you're here?

PEYTON SNOEBERGER: You know, I mean, I didn't really have a whole lot of expectations. I knew my game felt really good coming in. But my kind of goal was just to make match play, and anything can happen in match play. I was a 64 seed and knocked off the No. 1. Anything can happen. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

Q. Tell me about your start and then we'll get into what happened on the back nine.

PEYTON SNOEBERGER: Yeah, I started off really well, got up-and-down from 60 yards on 1, and then Luke made a couple mistakes here on 2 and 3. I was 3-up through three, but then he made a really good run in the middle of the round. I made a couple mistakes, he had a couple long putts, but I was able to just kind of dial in towards the end and make sure I stayed focused, and I was able to pull it out.

Q. Was there a point on the back side at the point where you lost a hole where you were like, what's going on here?

PEYTON SNOEBERGER: Not really. I knew a couple of those holes I lost were just self-inflicted mistakes. I short-sided myself a couple times, and out here with the rough as tall as it is and the greens are pretty firm and fast, you just can't do that.

Q. What does it say to you about how you performed today?

PEYTON SNOEBERGER: You know, I just think I can just compete with anybody. It's definitely a fun experience, and we'll see what happens tomorrow. I'm just going to give it my best tomorrow.

Q. Do you have even more confidence with all those short par putts that you had to make down the stretch?

PEYTON SNOEBERGER: Yeah, my speed wasn't great. I left myself a couple testy three- or four-footers, so I'll definitely have to work on that a little bit tomorrow morning before I start. But yeah, it definitely gives me a lot of confidence. The putter is definitely feeling pretty good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
123853-1-1002 2022-08-17 22:58:00 GMT

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