U.S. Amateur Championship

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Paramus, New Jersey, USA

The Ridgewood Country Club

Alex Price

Quick Quotes

Q. You're moving on; what are some initial reactions?

ALEX PRICE: Honestly, just thankful. Thankful to be over with this long day. I think I still probably played more holes of golf than anyone else in this competition right now. Just excited to be going to get some rest and come out and play the quarterfinals tomorrow.

Q. It was a tight match until the back nine. You were 4-under through six holes. You kind of shut the door there. What did you find at the turn?

ALEX PRICE: I just found more fairways. Probably the last half of the front nine, I was missing fairways and just getting up-and-down to make par and halve holes, and then I found kind of a nice feeling in my swing on 10, found the fairway, and just started hitting really high-quality shots coming in.

Q. This championship is a lot about stamina. Where do you feel like your stamina is after today and then moving forward? How do you feel and how will you feel?

ALEX PRICE: Well, my back actually hurts a lot less right now than it did this morning. So I'm hoping that it stays like that tomorrow.

Physically I feel fine. I think kind of the adrenaline kind of keeps me going. I feel great. I just feel ready for tomorrow already. Just going to go back and get some sleep.

Q. Were there nerves coming into this match playing someone like Ricky?

ALEX PRICE: Absolutely. Playing anybody out here, especially when it's a really -- like a really well-known, really good player like Ricky. But anyone who makes match play out here can go on a run at any time. It's mainly just the nerves of the situation more than who I'm playing.

I'm just trying to just keep it more like that, kind of take who I'm playing more out of the picture and just focus on my game and what I have to do.

Q. What do you do when you try to dig deep in a match when you want to turn it around?

ALEX PRICE: I don't know, just focus really. Just really focus on what I have to do on the one feeling I have in my swing that I've had for a while to hit the shots I know I can hit, and then on the greens just really dig down and just focus on hitting a good solid putt, don't really care about the result, just focus on the quality of the execution.

Q. Has this week helped you identify anything in particular about your game?

ALEX PRICE: I need to work on driving the golf ball. The times I get on runs making birdies are the times I start hitting fairways. The couple of times this week where I've started making bogeys and a couple doubles has just been wild off the tee and then didn't even give myself a chance to really make bogey. But anytime I've found the fairway, I've just been having opportunities to look for birdie. My iron game is there right now, my short game is there. It's just I've just got to get more solid off the tee.

Q. What are you doing to rest up tonight?

ALEX PRICE: Just stretching out my back, putting heat on it, and hopefully being in bed before 10:00.

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