U.S. Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Cherry Hills Village, Colorado, USA

Cherry Hills Country Club

Caleb Surratt

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, man, just played just a terrific match out there. What was working for you?

CALEB SURRATT: I just felt like I did a really good job of just staying true to who I am and didn't try and be anything I wasn't.

I tried to pay Dylan as little attention as I could. Not from a respect standpoint, but just from a standpoint of I'm not changing one thing about my strategy based on where his ball is.

So I just feel like I played an amazing round of golf out here yesterday being 6-under through 17. I was just trying to do everything I could do to repeat that, because if somebody beats that, then props to them.

I'm just going to keep putting my head down and trying to do that.

Q. The way you're playing, do you feel like you're one of the guys to beat out here?

CALEB SURRATT: Yeah, I mean, I think like I'm not going to ever tell myself I'm not one of those guys no matter where I'm playing.

But I definitely think that if I play my best golf it'll be hard to beat.

Q. What do you have to do to stay locked into the zone you're in now?

CALEB SURRATT: I think just disconnect from who I'm playing. Just enjoy another day of golf. The truth is, like rather than having to beat 312 you only got to beat one guy. If it's his day it's his day.

I think it's just kind of a matter of trusting that my work is enough and what I've done to get here is more than enough and I don't need to change anything about that.

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135924-1-1041 2023-08-16 23:47:00 GMT

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