U.S. Amateur Championship

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Cherry Hills Village, Colorado, USA

Cherry Hills Country Club

Neal Shipley

Quick Quotes

Q. Two matches today, you're moving on. Talk me through today and what it means to be moving on to the quarters?

NEAL SHIPLEY: Well, it's a long day. The first match was back and forth all day, and was able to finally get him on the 20th hole. He played awesome.

Then today on Cooper, got on him pretty early and was able to kind of hold him at bay for the rest of the day.

But with this much golf, it's as much of a mental grind as it is just about golf. I felt like I handled that really well and was zoned in. Even when I was 4-up I was still focused on the next shot and not necessarily tomorrow.

Q. Can you expand on that, just the physical over the mental on a day like this where you're going to play this much golf?

NEAL SHIPLEY: Yeah, 36-hole days are always super difficult, especially when it's this hot and it's sunny and humid. Just staying hydrated is huge. I know that's cliche, but it really matters out here, and just eating, and that part really helps you stay mentally focused and in it for the whole day.

Q. Coming into this week, could you see yourself being in the quarterfinals? I know it's easy to say, but was the game there? Did you feel this confident?

NEAL SHIPLEY: I've been playing really well this summer. Finished fourth in Elite Am Series points, finished top 5 in I think three events, top 15 at the Southern, and my last event was the Western coming off a four-week stretch and was kind of fried mentally. Actually kind of a blessing to miss the cut there and get some time at home to reset and get prepared for this week, and I think that's really helped me out to be prepared to take on everyone.

Q. What can we expect tomorrow from Neal Shipley?

NEAL SHIPLEY: Hopefully a lot of good golf shots.

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