U.S. Amateur Championship

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Cherry Hills Village, Colorado, USA

Cherry Hills Country Club

Mike McCoy

United States Walker Cup Team Captain

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you just give us a statement about the team selection.

MIKE McCOY: Well, it was a two-year process. It was a long time coming, and obviously we've got a short time frame to turn it around. We've blessed in America to have a lot of great young players, and I'm very happy with the 10 that we selected.

We're leaving for New York on Thursday, and we'll be in Scotland Saturday morning.

Q. What course are you looking forward to playing the most before you get on the actual competition course at St Andrews?

MIKE McCOY: We're going to play Dumbarnie and Kingsbarns on the weekend before just to get adapted to the time change and a little links golf. Monday we'll start our work at the Old Course.

Q. You have a four-time Walker Cupper on your team, Stewart Hagestad. What does he bring to the team? Is he almost like a second captain?

MIKE McCOY: Yeah, we're certainly looking for some leadership from Stew in the room. We've got a young team, and I would expect that we'll be asking him to wrap his arms around a couple guys and hopefully lead them to winning a few points.

Q. Was there anybody who specifically this week may have been kind of on the bubble that played their way on to the team?

MIKE McCOY: You know, it was a very -- there was just a couple really close -- it was really a difficult decision I think for the committee. I don't have a vote, but I know they struggled with making that final selection or two.

I'm happy with who they selected, but I certainly -- I've been there. I've gotten the call where you're not selected, and it's a disappointment.

I feel for the guys who weren't selected.

Q. Your last Walker Cup was 2015, right?

MIKE McCOY: 2015, yes.

Q. What do you remember about that and the taste you had in your mouth leaving there, and how much more does that make you want to get after it in a couple weeks?

MIKE McCOY: Yeah, that was a real disappointment, not just for the team, but we really loved our captain, Spider Miller. I felt terrible for him.

I was happy he was able to get another opportunity to win in Los Angeles.

Obviously we're going to go over there -- we want this to be a great week for the players, but we certainly hope to retain the Cup.

Q. What's your captain style?

MIKE McCOY: You know, I think we're just bringing 10 individuals together as a team. I think that's the most important thing I'm trying to do is get everybody working as one and pulling for each other.

I think we'll get that accomplished.

Q. What Nick has accomplished this week, you've got to be excited to have an opportunity to coach him.

MIKE McCOY: Yeah, Nick has had a great summer. I've been watching him all summer. I'm not surprised he won. Just a tremendous talent, and probably one of golf's future superstars.

Q. Can you talk about the process the whole two years of traveling around. You've been involved in the process as a player.

MIKE McCOY: Right, it's a big commitment really for the players and the captain. You know, when you're a player you feel like you're running the gauntlet. There's certain tournaments that you have to be at and you have to perform well at, and then as a captain you want to watch those tournaments and see how people respond to the opportunity.

I've enjoyed it. I attended all the NCAAs, the U.S. Opens, the U.S. Amateurs, the Western Amateurs and on and on. It's been a lot of fun for me, and I've gotten to know a lot of these families and their college coaches. They're a great group, and it's been -- certainly enriched my life getting the opportunity.

Q. How would you describe the makeup of the 10 that were chosen, and what kind of a team could this be?

MIKE McCOY: You know, they're all proven winners. They've all won. They've been on big stages.

I think this is going to be -- I feel this is really going to be a talented team. Only time will tell how talented, but I feel blessed that we're going over there with the group we are.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136063-1-1002 2023-08-20 23:44:00 GMT

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