U.S. Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Chaska, Minnesota, USA

Hazeltine National Golf Club

Ethan Fang

Quick Quotes

Q. Early start this morning?

ETHAN FANG: I was out here at 6:30. I had a playoff, so I was getting ready for that. I got in, so just had a lot of time, did a lot of nothing, and then just got ready for my match.

Q. What did you do in between that? What time did you finish the playoff at?

ETHAN FANG: Around like --

Q. You were the last guy?

ETHAN FANG: Like 8:30, 8:40. I was in the locker room for a good bit just on my phone doing nothing. Got some food, and just got ready for my match. Started warming up.

Q. How do you mentally recharge yourself? You have to go through a grueling playoff this morning. Your alarm probably went off at like 5:00?

ETHAN FANG: Yeah, I woke up at like 5:50 this morning.

Q. You've got to do a playoff, you've got to sit around for a few hours, and then you've got to play a match against a guy who shot 61 yesterday.

ETHAN FANG: Just try my best out there. Not a whole lot I can control with him. So just went out there and played my best.

Q. You're playing a guy who's 39 years old. I don't know how old you are.

ETHAN FANG: I'm like 19.

Q. So he's 20 years your senior. Like playing your dad?

ETHAN FANG: It was definitely different. I never played someone who was so old in a tournament before. It was fun. Didn't really expect much. Just went out there and had fun.

Q. What year at school?

ETHAN FANG: I'll be a sophomore.

Q. At Oklahoma State?


Q. Had any big wins?

ETHAN FANG: I played solid my freshman year, just a lot of top 10s.

Q. How about this summer? Anything?

ETHAN FANG: Not yet.

Q. Is this your first big event of the year?

ETHAN FANG: I played a good amount of the Elite Am series, Southern and Western.

Q. Did you make the cuts in any of them?

ETHAN FANG: Yeah, I played good, like top 30 in both.

Q. So you made the cut at the Western, you played 72 holes?

ETHAN FANG: Yeah, I didn't make the Sweet 16.

Q. You're 2-down in this match?

ETHAN FANG: I think I was 3 at one point. Just stayed focused. There was nothing -- can't change anything. Just went out there and played my best.

Q. Was there a turning point where the switch kind of --

ETHAN FANG: I would say after 11, I got one on 11, and just started to really dial up. It was good.

Q. You knocked off the medalist. Do you feel like there's going to be some good -- I know there's not much of a difference between guys at this stage of the championship.

ETHAN FANG: Not really, just anyone. It doesn't really matter who you play in match play. Just got to compete with the guy and hopefully you win.

Q. How many USGA events for you?

ETHAN FANG: Like four, not really sure. Played Junior like two or three times, but this is my first Am.

Q. Do you know where you played the juniors at?

ETHAN FANG: I played them at Daniel Island and Bandon Dunes.

Q. So the last year and '21. This is your First Am?

ETHAN FANG: Yes, sir.

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