U.S. Amateur Championship

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Chaska, Minnesota, USA

Hazeltine National Golf Club

Jacob Modleski

Quick Quotes

Q. I don't know if you know, but you didn't trail at all today in two matches. What was really working for you out there?

JACOB MODLESKI: It was definitely the putter. You're not going to have -- you're not going to hit every fairway out here. It's just firm and fast. And when I was out of position, I was able to get myself back into position with the putter.

Made a lot of putts for birdie and par today. It's easy to build momentum when the putts are falling.

Q. I thought you were going to say Omar said he's never seen anybody make so many putts in a match.

JACOB MODLESKI: Yeah, obviously you expect to make your 4 to 8-footers, but a couple of 30, 40-footers are going in, those are always kind of bonuses for sure.

Q. You were the last man in the field in the Jones Cup this season, and you went on to win. That put you in a nice trajectory this summer. How confident were you coming into this week?

JACOB MODLESKI: Very. I think my game has been trending in the right direction all summer. It's getting to the point where things are falling into place, and I'm starting to see a lot of the shots I'm wanting, and it's evident in the scores and the matches.

Q. It seems to be sort of a breakthrough year for you. Is there something mechanical or mental that's been the key to playing some really nice golf here of late?

JACOB MODLESKI: I wouldn't necessarily say it's one thing. I just think it comes from all the little things that I've been working on in every part of my game, coming all the way from driving, putting, to the mental side of it. Just little pieces, especially starting last fall collegiately. It's been a lot of help from all the coaches, teammates, stuff like that.

Q. What is it about Sea Island that makes you play so well?

JACOB MODLESKI: I don't know, something about the grass down there.

Q. Are you a good wind player?

JACOB MODLESKI: Yeah, I think I flight the ball fairly well. Being from Indiana, it's not 90 all year round, so I'm used to playing with a few layers on for sure.

Q. You've gotten -- you've played in a lot of these championship situations this year, from Jones Cup to you guys at Notre Dame making the championship for the first time in 50, 60 years. Do you enjoy kind of the pressure of these moments? Have you come to kind of enjoy that more as you've played in more of them?

JACOB MODLESKI: Absolutely. Obviously pressure is just bound to be there in these sort of matches, but I think rather than trying to like avoid it or trying to get out of it, just sort of embracing like it's a good thing that you feel so much pressure.

Finding things that can kind of take your mind off of it, whether it's a thought or walking on the fairways or talking with the caddie, just something that can kind of get your mind off it a little bit. Then just embracing it, especially on the greens for sure.

Q. What was your goal coming into the week?

JACOB MODLESKI: Your goal every week is to win, but I think I had a couple specific goals with both my swing and just mentally to have really good targets, have a really good process, and then kind of see where that ended up.

Q. Did you achieve that so far, do you think?

JACOB MODLESKI: Yeah, I'd say so far. Definitely thinking my way around the course well. This is a course that requires a lot of detail, a lot of focus on every shot because even layups, you know, if you get a little ahead of yourself and just pull a club and hit out of the rough, sometimes you just don't know how it's going to come out.

So I think I've done really well with that this week.

Q. Do you allow yourself to think ahead? There's a lot of perks on the line the next couple of days. Do you allow yourself to think about that, or do you try to shut it out? What's your approach there?

JACOB MODLESKI: I think there's a good mix of both. I think visualization of winning is really important or visualization of achieving everything you want, but there's a time for that, time and place, but I don't think it's necessarily on the course. When you're on the course, it's shot to shot. Outside of that, obviously you want to see yourself winning the trophy. It's always a good goal.

Q. It may just be random, but I was on the range for the practice rounds and saw you working pretty hard with the driver and 3-wood and saw a couple of squirrely shots. Were you supremely confident with ball striking heading into this tournament?

JACOB MODLESKI: Yes, I would say I was. I've been working a lot on just a few things, not a bunch of things, but a few keys with my swing. I'm seeing them work the best they've been in competition so far this summer, which is always good.

It's one thing to be able to hit balls on the range and have it just the way you want, just what you want on video. Everything changes when you get on the course. I've done a good job adjusting and finding ways to get the ball in the hole. It's not always super technical.

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147406-1-1182 2024-08-15 23:33:00 GMT

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