U.S. Amateur Championship

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Chaska, Minnesota, USA

Hazeltine National Golf Club

Brendan Valdes

Quick Quotes

Q. You got down one early to Peter today, and you kind of picked it up in the middle of that. What clicked in? I think there was an eagle as well.

BRENDAN VALDES: Yeah, there was. I saw I was 1-down, Peter was hitting some good shots, and I knew I needed to turn something around.

I really hit two good drives on the first two holes and just hit some poor wedge shots. So just trying to focus up again and hit some better ones. I hit it pretty close on the next one.

Q. You played the last two U.S. Opens. How much do those experiences playing on those type of championship level courses prepare you for the grind that's out here and the difficulty of that golf course?

BRENDAN VALDES: I mean, it helped greatly. I mean, playing out at L.A., where the rough is the thickest I've ever seen, and like if you hit it in the rough, you have no shot, and I wasn't able to keep it in the fairway. So I kind of learned a little bit from there.

And then Pinehurst, it's really important to place your iron shots, I think. I mean, the fairways, I think, out at Pinehurst really aren't that tight, but you have to be able to place it really well. I feel like on these greens that's helped me a lot.

Q. What kind of results have you had this summer leading up -- after the U.S. Open? Have you had any results that would carry into this event?

BRENDAN VALDES: Honestly, not really. I've just had some decent finishes. I made the cut at the Western. I believe I got top 20 at the Northeast. Really nothing that stood out, but just good enough to keep my game in good shape.

Q. And what was your match play record at the NCAAs this year?

BRENDAN VALDES: I lost my first to George Duangmanee, and then I won my next two. I was 2 and 1.

Q. Was the one in the final, was it a clincher?

BRENDAN VALDES: It was. The first two groups we sent out, sadly they ended up losing, so the final three guys, I was the fourth guy out. So we ended up pulling it out on the last three.

Q. Who did you beat?

BRENDAN VALDES: Frederik Kjettrup, and he's been playing really well this summer.

Q. He played in The Open as well.

BRENDAN VALDES: Yeah, and he won his first two events.

Q. Do you look at the bracket and say, I might be one of the more established players here, or is that not something that's on your mind? Do you use it as confidence, or do you not focus on that?

BRENDAN VALDES: I mean, of course I try and be confident, but I know all the guys that are coming out to finish, they're all great players. I just have to look forward to who I'm playing next.

I feel like after today I'm going to go look and see who I play, see who they are, and see if I can do anything that's going to help that, but there's really nothing after that I'm looking forward to. After that, I'm looking to the next match.

Q. Actually, it's Luis Masaveu. He played in The Open this year, but he doesn't go to college in the States.

BRENDAN VALDES: He must be pretty good then.


Q. At this stage, do you even look at resumes or that kind of stuff when you're facing a guy out here?

BRENDAN VALDES: There's not really any need to. If you're in this tournament, you're going to be a pretty good player. I'm just going to try to keep it rolling.

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