U.S. Amateur Championship

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Chaska, Minnesota, USA

Hazeltine National Golf Club

Jackson Buchanan

Quick Quotes

Q. Obviously not the result you might have wanted today. Could you just talk a bit about the emotions you're feeling right now.

JACKSON BUCHANAN: Just sad to be honest. It sucks, but I didn't bring it today. You can't expect to win if you don't bring it.

So it is what it is. I didn't bring it, and I don't deserve to win, and he did his job.

Q. Either way, semifinalist in a U.S. Am, you've got to be feeling pretty proud of yourself.

JACKSON BUCHANAN: I'm proud. I was out of it a lot. Only one match I was in it the whole time, and the other ones I came back. I'm proud, yeah.

Q. Talk about unbelievable comebacks this week. When you look back on the week, what do you think?

JACKSON BUCHANAN: That I never give up, to be honest. It's easy to give up in this game, and I didn't. I'll take that with me when I leave.

Q. Speaking of never giving up, on 17 you had a birdie, made it to 18. What was your mentality?

JACKSON BUCHANAN: I thought I was going to win the hole. I just thought that's what was going to happen. When I hit a bad drive, it was kind of over after that.

Yeah, I just thought I was going to win the hole.

Q. You come into this match, you had to sleep on it all night long. How were the nerves last night and this morning?

JACKSON BUCHANAN: They were good. I've played in a major. I've almost won a National Championship. So I was excited. Nerves were high.

But I just didn't -- it's a hard game. I didn't bring it today, and that's why I lost.

Q. What's next for you this summer?

JACKSON BUCHANAN: Going to school. Straight to school.

Q. When do classes start?


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147463-1-1182 2024-08-17 21:52:00 GMT

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