U.S. Open Championship 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Jason Kokrak

Flash Interview

Q. We welcome Jason Kokrak, 2-under 68. Great round today. Talk us through how you feel.

JASON KOKRAK: Thank you. You know, got off to a little bit of a rocky start, missing it left of 10, made a nice up-and-down, kind of horseshoed the chip shot, was really nice. Just slipped a little bit on the second shot on 11, but after that kind of settled in, made some nice putts. A few really key par saves to keep my round going and took advantage when I hit good shots.

Q. Looks like a pretty clean front nine, birdies on 2 and 9. Can you talk us through those two holes?

JASON KOKRAK: Yeah, 2 was -- I hit a great drive. I had a really good number, 142 to the hole, which is kind of a soft wedge for me. The wind was off the left, hit a nice little draw to hold the wind and it landed just behind the flag, spun back to about eight feet or so, straight up-the-hill putt. And then on 9 hit a great drive right down the middle, had 223, kind of was worried about 5-iron going a little bit long but kind of took some off it, landed a little further than I thought and just over the back edge, hit the putt to a foot or so and it was kind of a really nice easy birdie finish.

Q. What was the game plan coming into the week?

JASON KOKRAK: Fairways and greens, like any U.S. Open. Fairways and greens. I hit the driver well but not great. I think if I can clean it up a little bit, the irons -- I'm hitting the mid-irons really well and just want to give myself a lot of opportunities and not shoot myself in the foot missing greens short or missing in spots where I don't need to. Middle of the green on all the par-3s. Made a nice par save on 3 from the right bunker, but other than that, very pleased with my round.

Q. What's the game plan for the rest of today?

JASON KOKRAK: Lunch, a little bit of practice and then a nap.

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