U.S. Open Championship 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Harris English

Flash Interview

Q. 2-under 68; Harris, good score out there. What was working well?

HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, I felt like I grinded really well today. I didn't get off to the best start tee to green. I think I missed my first four greens and was still even par, and that's what you've got to do out here. You're not going to hit every fairway, you're not going to hit every green, but you've got to scramble, and then when I started getting my game back, started hitting it better, made a few birdies and a few putts and overall felt like I had a good day.

Q. How much did you guys talk about Georgia and Athens and all of that?

HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, it's a very comfortable pairing. I've known B-Todd since I was probably a freshman or sophomore in high school. I've known Davis probably since I was 11 or 12 years old when he was just a little kid, probably before he really started playing golf, so it was awesome. I'm definitely pulling on those guys every single week and it's nice to be able to play with them, and we had great camaraderie and we're all pulling on each other.

Q. Do you sense any nerves in Davis?

HARRIS ENGLISH: He doesn't say a whole lot, first of all, but he was great out there. I mean, he's got a heck of a game. I played with him last week when we were at home and I played a practice round with him. He's got the game for it out here. He does everything well. I don't really think he gets ahead of himself. He kept it in check today and did really well. I was happy for him.

Q. When you guys play at home together, do you have games?

HARRIS ENGLISH: We do, yeah.

Q. Who won that game last week?

HARRIS ENGLISH: I think Davis beat me by probably one last week. We played out at Ocean Forest. Every time I play with him I'm impressed with how good he is at such a young age.

Q. So far the only pairing of the day where all three of you were under par. How does a comfortable pairing play into end results?

HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, it's great. I mean, I knew going into it we were going to have a good time no matter what, and getting off to a good start like that with everybody playing well, you can kind of feed off each other, and I felt like we did that today.

Q. J.T. was saying earlier in the week he thought this was going to be fun but a different kind of fun. Was it fun today in a sort of different U.S. Open way that I know I'm going to get beat up but I know I can make some birdies?

HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, coming into today I thought the greens were a little firmer, it would be a little tougher, but it was very benign this morning with not a whole lot of wind. Greens were still soft, but you've still got to hit really good golf shots. It's a hard course, as you know, but you've got to kind of roll with the punches. You're going to miss some greens out there, miss some fairways, but you've got to scramble and grind it out.

Q. Was there a little bit of chatter between you and fellow alums about, hey, there's a really good player coming up, wait until you see this guy? I guess you've known him since he was a little kid --


Q. Maybe you knew first how good he was.

HARRIS ENGLISH: Yeah, and his dad. His dad who's on the bag this week I've known for a long time. He ran the junior Tour that we all played in the southeast United States and his dad was a really good player at Georgia, as well, so he's had Georgia ties from when he was a kid. I think he made a good decision going to Georgia, and I think they'll have a chance of winning the national championship this year.

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