U.S. Open Championship 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Sandy Scott

Press Conference

Q. Sandy, talk about the experience today.

SANDY SCOTT: Yeah, I mean, I got off to a good start, played the front nine nice and solid, hit plenty of fairways and greens, gave myself a few good looks. Started to miss a few fairways coming in on the back nine and kind of gave myself too much work, really, was scrambling for pars and made some bogeys and stuff. There was certainly some good golf in there, but yeah, always tomorrow.

Q. How did you feel about the playing conditions and what do you need to tweak for tomorrow?

SANDY SCOTT: Yeah, conditions are very fair. They're tough for sure. You've just got to stay out of the rough and be smart with your approach play, and putting is certainly difficult. You have to get your line and speed pretty spot-on most of the time.

Yeah, I feel like I hit it well. Just fractionally off line coming in on the back. So I don't think there's much wrong. I'll keep practice light this afternoon and be ready to go for tomorrow.

Q. After the bogey on 7, how did you bounce back from that?

SANDY SCOTT: Yeah, bogey on 7, I missed the green left, just a poor approach shot, probably felt like I could have gone one less off the tee and hit it a little harder.

But yeah, hit a chip shot that just caught a little too much grass and stayed in the rough, and then yeah, hit a good second chip and made bogey there. Just hit a good drive on the next and then a good approach and just kind of got myself back into it there and birdied 9, and yeah, I was -- yeah, going.

Q. How was it playing with Robert today?

SANDY SCOTT: Yeah, it was great. I've played with Robert plenty of times and certainly made it more comfortable for me. Didn't feel necessarily like the U.S. Open, but yeah, he helped for sure.

Q. What did you feel your best shot of the day was and then where was the most disappointment?

SANDY SCOTT: Best shot of the day? That's a good question. I hit a good third on the 2nd to save par and keep momentum there. Then hit a good approach into 3. I'd probably say the approach into 3 was my best. Probably had an eight-footer there. Yeah, that was probably the best.

Q. I know you said it didn't necessarily feel like a U.S. Open, but what did it feel like on the first tee this morning standing there in a major championship?

SANDY SCOTT: Yeah, it was great. With no fans and stuff, it feels different. In your mind you know you're playing with the same players that would be playing, so I mean, it's not a huge difference, but no, it was a special feeling for sure.

Q. How important is lag putting here this week?

SANDY SCOTT: Very important, yeah. I had some putts that you get up to the green and realize you've got to aim 90 degrees to the hole even though you're within 20 feet. You might hit good approach shots but just be a little unfortunate with catching some slopes. So that's why you have to really think about where you're going to position yourself to the hole. It is vitally important.

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101524-1-1222 2020-09-17 18:08:00 GMT

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