U.S. Open Championship 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Rory Sabbatini

Flash Interview

Q. 1-under 69; Rory, just talk us through your round a bit.

RORY SABBATINI: It was predominantly ugly with some flowers in between. You know, all in all, I made the most out of a day that probably should have been a lot higher scoring for me.

Q. Talk about the conditions; a lot of talk about how tough Winged Foot can be, but certainly a few red numbers out there. Was it gettable?

RORY SABBATINI: The thing is if you can put the ball on the fairway and put the ball on the greens, that's the toughest part. Once you're there, it's just taking advantage of every now and again when you do get a makeable putt, they did a really good job of, for the most part, making the pins relatively easy per se for this golf course, because we all know they could have made it where it would take eight, nine hours to play. They did a fantastic job with the setup of making it playable for us.

It's tough out there, but definitely there's birdies to be made.

Q. How do short putts on these severe greens compare to other courses you play throughout the year?

RORY SABBATINI: This course is particularly difficult. Today was an example; I had a four-foot putt that I had to play a foot outside the hole just because there is a lot of slope and there is a lot of severity to the greens.

Q. What will be the game plan for tomorrow?

RORY SABBATINI: Hopefully drive the ball better than today and keep putting the way that I have been today.

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