U.S. Open Championship 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Ricky Castillo

Quick Quotes

Q. Ricky, how did you feel the course change today compared to yesterday, and how much of an impact did it have on your game?

RICKY CASTILLO: Well, it was a lot firmer out there today. The wind definitely made it a lot tougher. The course played I would say four, five strokes harder just because of the wind, how much the wind was affecting the course and how much firmer it got. Obviously by the scores, yeah, it was a lot different, a lot more tough, and it showed by the scores today.

Q. What will you take from this experience both in terms of your game and the environment of playing in a major championship, even one without galleries?

RICKY CASTILLO: This was really cool just because you got to play on a course like Winged Foot that was just so high level and so challenging. I'm just going to take that away, work on my game, and hopefully I'll be back here again and be able to play better.

Q. Is this experience something that will make you even hungrier to get back to this level?

RICKY CASTILLO: Absolutely, just because I did not play my best this week, but it was great to have the experience out here and everything.

Q. Any particular interactions with Tour pros this week worth passing along?

RICKY CASTILLO: Yeah, I just played a practice round with Billy Horschel, which was really cool, especially since he was a Florida Gator, as well, and just being around him was a really cool experience for me.

Q. Next step from here, assuming that there will be a college season in the spring, will you be back at Florida?

RICKY CASTILLO: Yes, the three tournaments in the fall that we're playing I'm playing, so excited about that.

Q. Are there any tournaments between now and then that you're planning on 100 percent playing in?

RICKY CASTILLO: We have three tournaments in the fall that I'm going to play in. One is going to be at blessings, one is going to be at Vanderbilt's home course, and another one is going to be at Old Overton, so it should be a few good months to go play a couple of college tournaments, which is good since we weren't expecting to play in the first place.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101601-1-1002 2020-09-18 21:32:00 GMT

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