U.S. Open Championship 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Brendon Todd

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell me a little bit about how you were feeling out there and how the course was playing.

BRENDON TODD: Yeah, I felt great with my golf swing today. Really thought I was swinging well. I struggled out of the rough and I putted beautifully. I holed three or four par putts from 10 feet, and I made the eagle putt on the last and a nice birdie putt on 14.

All in all, I thought my game was really good, and I probably could have scored a little bit better, but I'm really happy with where I am going into the weekend.

Q. How did the course play today compared to yesterday?

BRENDON TODD: It firmed up, and the wind -- I really think the wind is what made it much more difficult. The north wind out here, I think it makes about nine of the holes play really, really challenging into that wind, you know, 1 through 4, and then on the back nine you kind of have 10 through 15 play tough.

I think the north wind might be the more difficult of the two winds, and that's what we had today, and then as the greens firmed up, it really made it challenging.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101605-1-1222 2020-09-18 22:18:00 GMT

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