U.S. Open Championship 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Rob MacIntyre

Quick Quotes

Q. Question number one, how does it feel to make the cut in another major?

ROB MACINTYRE: Yeah, it feels good. Obviously after yesterday's round, to finish poorly, it was disappointing. Didn't play too great today, but my short game finally turned up today. It's one of those golf courses you're not going to play great, and all week you're going to get tough spells. I'm obviously delighted to make the cut.

Q. What has been the strength of your game so far this week?

ROB MACINTYRE: I'm not sure. Nothing's really firing. It's just been mediocre all the way through the bag. Today I putted great, and back nine hit some great iron shots to kind of make the birdies.

Other than that, I'd say overall I've actually driven it all right. The stats don't show it, but it's one of those golf courses that sometimes I'm hitting driver just because some of the holes don't sit me. I'm hitting driver, but I know I'm going in the rough. I would rather have an 8 iron out of the rough than a 5 iron or 4 iron from middle of the fairway back. Sometimes I'm just taking my chances, and it's paying off.

Q. What are you looking to improve upon in your game over the weekend?

ROB MACINTYRE: Obviously just trying to score a little better. I've not holed many putts. I've missed quite a few putts. Today I putted great and just didn't go in. You get days of that, but I'm just going to try -- again, it's another Major cut made. I'm just out here learning. I'm only 24 years old. I know there's younger guys up the leaderboard, but for me, I've come over here and I'm playing in stronger fields. I'm just learning my way around.

Q. Last question. How difficult was the course today compared to yesterday?

ROB MACINTYRE: Brutal. It's as simple as that. Yesterday was probably as easy as you're going to get it. Today before seeing this course, I thought 6 would make it before I went out. I knew it was going to be tough, and I just had to go and play my game. Sometimes when it gets tough, that's when I have to start to play my better golf and never give up, and it showed. I got to 7 over and then had some great shots.

Yeah, I've just got to enjoy myself. This week, although I've not played my best, I've really enjoyed myself.

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101613-1-1182 2020-09-18 23:39:00 GMT

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