U.S. Open Championship 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Webb Simpson

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about what was in that birdie putt.

WEBB SIMPSON: So we played probably 18 feet of break. It was crazy. But you're going to have that at Winged Foot. I haven't had many this week, but that one was nice to get right.

Q. These are some of the best green complexes you'll ever play on, right?

WEBB SIMPSON: Yeah, these are -- they're definitely puzzling. There's only so many pins they can use, so they've done a good job of setting it up. But you'll pay the penalty if you're in the wrong spot.

Q. Another thing you have to do in the U.S. Open is make a great bogey, which you just did on the 18th hole, short-sided in that bunker. How hard did you grind to make sure you got out of there with minimal damage?

WEBB SIMPSON: It's a big grind. I've hit it left there off the tee twice now, and you just can't do that. It's jail over there, and I've paid the price. That rough short right is three times as long as any rough out there. It's a really tough pin. Any of these greens sitting up on hills like that, 7, 18, it's getting crispy, and it's just going to be that much harder tomorrow.

Q. You know what it's like and how tough it is on a Sunday; you've won this event. How tough will it be tomorrow?

WEBB SIMPSON: It'll be tough. I think we'll have the same conditions. I did get some lies out of the rough today that I was able to play and get it up by the green, but I expect another challenging day tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101654-1-1002 2020-09-19 21:09:00 GMT

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