U.S. Open Championship 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Matthew Wolff

Flash Interview

Q. Matthew Wolff, 5-under 65. Let's start there. Not a lot of people thought there was a 65 out there today; what was working well?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Everything. I think my putting was by far the best it's felt in the last two or three months. I feel like I'm really hitting the ball well. My irons were really good, and even though I only hit two fairways, my driver was -- it was just barely off, but that's the U.S. Open.

I feel like even though I missed the fairway, there was a lot of times I was in that graduated rough that's a little shorter, and I feel like yesterday the difference was I was in the really long stuff.

Like I said, I felt really good with all parts of my game, and I'm just excited to be where I'm at and look forward to tomorrow.

Q. What have you learned from Detroit and from 3M? Even though you're only 21, you've already been there on Sundays in the heat. What have you learned about those experiences?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, I think being in those situations as much as possible helps me a lot. I got asked earlier what past experiences are you going to look back on to help you tomorrow, and I think -- I ended up winning 3M, but I think Detroit is a really big -- I had a bigger lead in Detroit. I think I had a three-shot lead. And I don't know what Bryson is doing, but as of right now I have a three-shot lead. I definitely can't count anyone out of the tournament, but I'll be able to keep calm tonight, watch some basketball, hang out with my caddie, Nick, who's a really good friend of mine.

And I think that's the biggest thing, is not really looking ahead. I was kind of antsy at the beginning of the round in Detroit, the fourth round, and I think I'm going to go out there and just do my thing.

It's golf; anything can happen, especially at a course like this. I know if I keep calm and not let my emotions get the best of me, I should have a really good chance.

Q. You said your putting is as good as it's been in a couple months. Did something click this week, new equipment, new thoughts, anything?

MATTHEW WOLFF: I think George and Nick -- George, my swing coach, and Nick, my caddie -- were working really hard with me to figure some stuff out. I think my setup was a little off, and obviously we figured it out. But I've got a really good routine that I'm sticking to right now, and I just think that I'm a very -- I'm a huge confidence player. When I'm hitting it good, when I'm putting good, when I'm playing good, I really feel like I can carry that on and carry the momentum a lot easier than if I kind of scrape it around and shoot well, I'll kind of be looking for something.

Right now I feel like very confident with every single part of my game. I'm not going to think about it too much and just go out there and do the same things I've done the last three days.

Q. Such an unusual environment here; how do you think the absence of fans affected your performance?

MATTHEW WOLFF: It hurt it. No, I'm just kidding.

Yeah, it's obviously a lot different. I have yet to play in a major with fans, so I'm really excited for the first time that happens, but I think I do feed off of fans. Behind 10 green and 11 tee box there are fans in their houses, they were howling for me, and I love seeing people out here, but it is a different atmosphere.

I think coming down the stretch it maybe makes me a little more calm just to see less people, but yeah, I really don't think too much about it. Once I'm out on the course, I'm kind of focused and doing my thing. And it's going to be awesome when fans are back, but right now it is what it is.

Q. You said you were antsy a little bit at 3M. Do you think that'll be different tomorrow on the first tee with the lead in a major with there being nobody here?

MATTHEW WOLFF: No, I bet you I'm probably going to be a little antsy. It's the U.S. Open, and I have a lead.

You know, I'm going to try to keep my nerves as calm as they can be, and like I said, relax tonight, not really try to think about it. I put myself in a really good spot. I did everything that I could do up until this point, and tomorrow I'm going to go out there, I promise you I'm going to try my best, and if I come out on top or not, it is what it is.

But right now I'm just looking to go have a good time, and it's just golf. Even though it is the U.S. Open, there's a lot of things in life that are a little different right now, and in the world you can see how many things are affecting us.

And even though it would be unbelievable to add my name to a U.S. Open trophy, I think that the most important thing is realizing everything that's going on and the people that I'm close with are -- there's some things happening with that. Not anything that has to do with me, but my agent, John, is struggling right now with his health, and I've been thinking about him a lot out there. I'm not trying to -- he doesn't want anyone to feel bad for him, but like I said, it just puts things in perspective. And I'm going to go out there, try to make him proud and go have a good time.

Q. You've been described as fearless. This is your first U.S. Open, and you're leading. Would you use that word to describe yourself?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah. I think that I go out there and I play my game. There's a lot of holes out there that maybe people would try to hit it in the fairway or maybe take the safe play because it is a U.S. Open and they know that pars are a good score, but I don't really like to think of it that way.

I like to go out there and do what I feel comfortable with, rip dog and see how it goes from there. I feel comfortable with every part of my game so I don't like to shy away from things when I'm feeling confident, and I'm probably going to do the same tomorrow.

Q. Did you still feel fearless after the tee shot on 16? How much did that concern you?

MATTHEW WOLFF: I mean, I hit a bunch of good tee shots today that were kind of where I was looking and just barely missed the fairway, got fortunate with my lies. It's the U.S. Open, you're going to hit bad shots out there. It is what it is.

I just told myself that to minimize the damage because I was playing so well, and I know I'm in such a good spot that the worst thing I can do is try to risk it, and maybe on the 18th hole if I'm one down then I'll risk it, but right now I'm just trying to go with my game and make the smart play but the aggressive play.

Q. Just to clarify, not to pry too much into personal information, but your agent, is he struggling with complications from coronavirus or other health-related issues?

MATTHEW WOLFF: No, he's not. I'm not sure if he wants the world to know, but he's undergoing stomach cancer right now, and he got diagnosed like three weeks ago or something like that. He's probably going to be pissed at me for saying that, and he doesn't want anyone to feel bad for him. He likes -- the biggest thing that I can do is go out there, have fun and enjoy myself because he loves watching me play golf, but it is -- it's just an awful time.

I always think about him and even at the highest stage I'm putting things in perspective and hoping he has a speedy recovery and I'm going to be through it every step of the way.

It is important. It's the U.S. Open. But it's just golf. Like I said, I'm always thinking about him and hoping he's doing all right, and his family, too, are in my thoughts.

Q. A lot of people are probably surprised that somebody playing in their first U.S. Open is leading after 54 holes, but at the same time, you won an NCAA individual championship, you've won on the PGA TOUR. For you does this feel sort of like a natural next progression in your career, or is this coming maybe a little bit quicker than you otherwise would have thought?

MATTHEW WOLFF: That's a hard question. I mean, I feel like I'm ready to win out here and win a major. I've already won a PGA TOUR event and I knew my game was in a really good spot. I've been feeling really good, really confident, and with my mindset right now how I'm thinking about the game is really good.

I really think that I can go out there and play really well. It is a major. It's really important, and yes, it is really early in my career, but I feel like I have the game, like I said, to win. Collin won at 23, I'm 21, and I'm not saying that it's going to happen, but I mean, I put myself in a really good spot, and obviously I'm feeling really good with my game, so I'm just going to keep on doing what I'm doing and whatever happens happens.

Q. Obviously lots of crazy, crazy things have happened on 18 at this golf course, and I just wonder kind of when you're on that tee box in your mind's eye if you can take us through what it takes to handle that hole in the best way possible.

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, I mean, it definitely depends on the conditions. The fairways are really firm, and obviously finding the fairway not only on that hole but throughout the entire course is probably the most important thing. I feel like with an iron you give yourself the best chance, too, especially since it's a north wind this week, so it's downwind. It makes the hole a lot shorter and kind of gives you the best bet to keep the ball in front of you in the short grass.

You know, when it comes down to 18, if it does come down to 18, then I'll play it as it is and take care of that hole as I get to it. But right now, I mean, I've played it in 2-under par, I think, and I have some good vibes on that hole. I'm just going to go out and have fun and play golf.

Q. What were the two clubs you hit today off the tee?

MATTHEW WOLFF: I hit 4-iron and then 7-iron.

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101660-1-1222 2020-09-19 22:26:00 GMT

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