U.S. Open Championship 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Viktor Hovland

Quick Quotes

Q. Viktor, your scores this week have been pretty consistent. What has been working well in your game?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: I feel like I've been hitting the ball a little bit better, just generally, keeping the ball either on the fairway or very close to the fairway. So I'm minimizing the big numbers, just keeping it very simple. Still missing a couple short putts, but I'm also making a couple nice ones. So hopefully, we can just hit a few more fairways tomorrow and make a couple putts.

Q. You finished tee 12 last year at Pebble Beach. What experiences did you learn last year that you're taking with you for this week?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, that was before I turned pro, the week before, and I guess it just gave me a lot of confidence that I was able to compete at this level. Playing Pebble Beach, I always had some good memories from the U.S. Amateur the year before, but it just gave me a lot of confidence knowing that I could compete with the best players in the world.

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101662-1-1182 2020-09-19 22:29:00 GMT

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