U.S. Open Championship 2020

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Mamaroneck, New York, USA

Winged Foot Golf Club

Mike Gilmore

Flash Interview

Q. Can you talk about the thrill of playing the course at the U.S. Open? I know you're a marker, but still....

MIKE GILMORE: It was a dream week to begin with. I didn't want it to end. I hardly could sleep. And to cap it off with being able to play as a marker with Abraham was just -- it made it just that much more special, just icing on the cake.

Q. Obviously you played in 2008 at Torrey Pines. Can you tell me the differences between being in this championship as a competitor and what happened today?

MIKE GILMORE: Today was just -- I just made sure I had to hit the ball the right way, and then there was no real pressure on me, so it was nice and easy. The thrill of being able to see what these best players in the world are going to be competing on today was just an added bonus. I'm very, very fortunate. Thanks to the membership at Winged Foot and the USGA for letting me play here today.

Q. It's one thing to be involved in how the course is set up, but what's it like to play it, and what will the leaders face later today?

MIKE GILMORE: I think today is going to be the most difficult day. It looks like the wind is picking up and the course has dried out considerably. The greens are very firm, so I don't think that shots from the rough will be as receptive as they have been the last three or four -- three days actually. It's going to be tough. There's some to be some high scores.

Q. As you reflect on this championship, what are some of the highlights for you?

MIKE GILMORE: Highlight of the week was Billy Harmon out here for the week with me. We got to have dinner and talk golf and walk around with Dustin Johnson, Patrick Cantlay, and a week ago Keegan Bradley. It's been a dream week, as I said, and being able to play is just the icing on the cake. Amazing.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
101681-1-1002 2020-09-20 16:20:00 GMT

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