U.S. Open Championship 2021

Monday, June 14, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Ollie Osborne

Quick Quotes

Q. Ollie, you're getting set to play in the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines. Kind of a veteran now of playing in major events. How crazy is that that this is now the second time you're playing in a major?

OLLIE OSBORNE: Yeah, feels a little weird. Definitely went up and introduced myself again to some guys and they recognized me, so, yeah, cool experience to kind of do this all over again.

Q. Tell me about just the experience of being down at that golf course, Torrey Pines in San Diego, it's just a beautiful track. What's been why you are kind of assimilation with it this week?

OLLIE OSBORNE: Yeah, it's an awesome course. I grew up playing quite a few junior golf tournaments here, so kind of know the layout pretty well.

The rough is long. Course is long, too. But it's looking like it's going to be a fun week.

Q. How did you play it when you were younger?

OLLIE OSBORNE: Okay. There are some good rounds and some bad rounds for sure. (Laughter.) But looking to play a little better for sure this week.

Q. Is there any part of the course that is an advantage to your game, maybe some things are a disadvantages as you look at the way it's laid out.

OLLIE OSBORNE: Yeah, I think my length will definitely be an advantage. Being one of the longer amateur players that will help for sure. I think any U.S. Open you can say that.

Yeah, that'll probably be the No. 1 advantage, and kind of just all the ball striking stuff.

Q. Now you've had a chance to get away from the Masters a little bit, tell me about that experience playing at Augusta and what that week meant to you and your dad and the rest of your family.

OLLIE OSBORNE: Yeah, that week went by pretty quick but it was a ton of fun and I got to learn a lot and meet a ton of guys that I've always looked up to. Yeah, kind of the week I always dreamt of.

Q. You talked about that that was your mindset there was to be the low am. You were able to accomplish that. That was the goal going in. What's your goal now here at U.S. Open?

OLLIE OSBORNE: I kind of -- it's hard to put it into words. I would probably say low am for sure at U.S. Open too would be a goal, but I definitely want to compete with the pros out here, too.

So it's kind of hard to put it into words, but just kind of go out there and compete and have fun with these guys out there.

Q. ...to make the cut this weekend?

OLLIE OSBORNE: I'm sorry, I missed the first couple words of that.

Q. How would you see it in your eyes to make the cut this weekend?

OLLIE OSBORNE: Yeah, I think that would be a great accomplishment. Probably one of the toughest majors out of the four. The course is always the toughest.

So, yeah, it would be a huge accomplishment to make the cut, but definitely looking to do more than that for sure.

Q. In terms of nerves and where you are now, where were you compared to that opening week right before the Masters got going?

OLLIE OSBORNE: I feel a lot more comfortable now. Seeing some familiar faces, I have quite a few friends out here actually, played a couple practice rounds with them.

So, yeah, I feel a lot more comfortable, especially getting that first major out of the way. Kind of calms the nerves a little bit.

Q. How do you use that experience at the Masters for this week and going forward?

OLLIE OSBORNE: I guess just kind of seeing those guys you met before and just kind of going up to them, shaking their hands kind of helps a lot, just seeing what they do.

Yeah, like the whole experience, too, having a crowd, having cameras on you. That type of thing just helps a lot.

Q. Is your dad on the bag again this week?

OLLIE OSBORNE: I got brother on the bag this week. (Laughter.) Switching it up a little bit.

Q. What was the thought process behind putting, is it Stephen, right, on the bag?

OLLIE OSBORNE: Yeah, my brother. It's really hard choice to chose between brother and dad. I love them both and they know my game better than anybody, so it's just, I don't know, just kind of game-time decision.

Q. And when you look, it's still really early in your golfing career and you've about to have a second major under your belt. What does playing in these majors so early in your career, what do you think that could do for you moving forward as you try and progress throughout your life?

OLLIE OSBORNE: Yeah, I think any experience helps my future, and especially two majors will definitely help my future. Definitely what I want to do with my career and move forward, so, yeah, having these two majors under my belt will help a lot, and I'm looking forward to get this one going.

Q. What has that done for your perspective, just kind of feeling like, Okay, I can do this, I do belong, and it's kind of a career path for me? Has that solidified this is a possibility versus maybe two years ago when there was maybe more uncertainty?

OLLIE OSBORNE: Yeah. I gained a ton of confidence and I know I can hang with these guys out here, too. Just get into these fields, so, yeah, I've gained a ton of confidence. Definitely looking better than two years ago for sure.

Q. Is there an area of your game that you're really kind of thinking about and wanting to fine tune and things that you're trying to work on this week?

OLLIE OSBORNE: I think if I can get that putter going. Ball striking is kind of always been there and that feels great, so if I can get the putter rolling, that will help a lot this week and probably can do some damage out there.

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