U.S. Open Championship 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Marc Leishman

Quick Quotes

Q. Where is your game and confidence level entering the third major of the year?

MARC LEISHMAN: Yeah, game is feeling good. It's a course I like. As far as U.S. Open courses, it's as good as it'll get for me. But it's still going to be really tough.

Confidence is good, but I'm never one to go into a U.S. Open overconfident by any means.

Q. What's the key to scoring well and contending around Torrey Pines?

MARC LEISHMAN: Well, I mean, any U.S. Open I think it's hitting fairways. It always is. But probably even more important than that is leaving yourself in good positions around the greens, knowing where you can miss it, where you can't miss it, putting. You're going to have a lot of long par putts out here this week, and it's going to be pretty important to hole a lot of them. Reading the greens is going to be important, but hitting your lines and just not getting ahead of yourself.

Q. Do you have a particular game plan, and do you expect this to be a typical U.S. Open where scoring will be tough?

MARC LEISHMAN: Yes, scoring will be tough. I think it's going to be a firm U.S. Open, which is good. I don't think they're going to have to do too much to the course to make it really tough. It's normally 10-ish under winds at the Farmers Insurance Open. 6 is going to be a par-4, and then the greens are going to be running faster and be a lot firmer. So it's going to be really, really difficult to hit greens even from the fairway. You're going to have to hit good shots.

Yeah, I think it's going to be a typical U.S. Open, but it's going to be sort of a U.S. Open/British Open hybrid sort of thing with how firm it's going to be.

Q. It was pretty tough going for the Aussies at the PGA; are you optimistic about a bounce-back at Torrey?

MARC LEISHMAN: Yeah, definitely. I mean, it was a very different golf course, different conditions. Yeah, I'm not worried about that one. You know, I think that's probably the hardest major for Australians is the PGA, the way it's normally set up. So yeah, definitely feel a little bit more optimistic about this week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108771-1-1002 2021-06-15 13:55:00 GMT

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