U.S. Open Championship 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Adam Hadwin

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you feel about your game coming into this week?

ADAM HADWIN: I feel good, yeah. It's been trending in the right direction, doing a lot of good things. Yeah, I feel good. It's more about getting out of my own way and staying patient and just kind of trusting what I've been doing.

Q. How does this course this week differ from the Farmers?

ADAM HADWIN: Well, honestly, all we're going to see, I think, is just kind of a firmer, faster golf course. It's usually damper, a little cooler, so ball is going a little bit further this week. Fairways are definitely running out. We don't see that during Farmers week. And then obviously greens are bouncing.

It might almost play a little bit shorter than we would normally see, but I think it's going to be a little more difficult to get at some of these pins. The rough, obviously, it's a U.S. Open, it's up, but it's almost dried out in some spots, so it almost makes it play a little bit easier than Farmers sometimes. Torrey Pines during the Farmers is no slouch of a golf course either.

I think with greens a little bit softer, guys can take an advantage a little bit more on that. I think firmer greens, maybe a little bit quicker, maybe just a little tougher to get to some of the spots.

Q. Used to be unique to see three or four Canadians play a practice round together in an event like this. Is it starting to feel normal?

ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, good question. It really is now. It seems like every big event now we're filling out a full group. It's a lot of fun. We always have a great time with each other. Lots of jabs. Hopefully a few dollars trading hands to the good guys, but, yeah, we enjoy it.

Q. Is the group starting to feel more comfortable at these big events?

ADAM HADWIN: I think so, yeah. We continue to have big strong finishes at good events as a group. Obviously, Corey has kind of been leading us here the last little bit, but I think we're all hungry. We all want to -- Taylor playing again this week like he did at Winged Foot. Honestly, it could be any one of us leading the charge this week.

Q. What are going to be the keys to success this week? What absolutely has to be sharp?

ADAM HADWIN: I think you've got to drive it well. It's pretty standard almost in every U.S. Open, especially a guy of my length. I'm going to have to drive it better than somebody longer would. Other than that, probably patience. Patience is probably the biggest thing. You're going to have bad lies. You're going to have to chip out sideways. You're going to have to make putts for bogey. Just stay patient. Everybody else is dealing with the same thing. One shot at a time.

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108797-1-1002 2021-06-15 23:44:00 GMT

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