U.S. Open Championship 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Adam Hadwin

Quick Quotes

Q. We noticed a new left-hand low putting. Was that new?

ADAM HADWIN: No, I've been left-hand low for years.

Q. How good did it feel to get off in red figures to start?

ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, a huge bonus. You know, it's a tough week. All four days, it's kind of a grind through every round, and to be under par for the first one is a great start. I did a lot of good things, and yeah, some momentum to build on for the next three.

Q. What was the confidence level like heading into the day and then now after the 1-under?

ADAM HADWIN: It felt good. I had three good days of practice here. I was hitting it well, been rolling it well, and I'm comfortable on the West Coast with poa annua greens. I feel like I see them very well, I read them well. It was just a matter of staying patient and treating every hole and every shot for what it's worth and what it is, and I did a really good job of that today.

I hit some really, really good shots to good targets that may have looked average on TV or on the scorecard, but it's exactly what I needed to do, and so yeah, excited for the weekend, for the rest of the week.

Q. How was the course? What were the course conditions like out there?

ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, I thought the course was set up well. You played well, you could give yourself some opportunities to make some putts. Obviously the greens will probably get bumpier as the afternoon goes on. That's kind of a given with poa annua. But yeah, I think it was set up well. I don't think the rough is maybe as penal as you've seen at other U.S. Opens. I think it's just a little dry. It's been dried out, so it's a little bit easier to get through.

I was fortunate on a few holes to have some good lies to be able to advance it up to the green no issues, but the greens are firming up. The wind has been up most of the day. Still a challenge. You have to hit good golf shots.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108858-1-1002 2021-06-17 22:46:00 GMT

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