U.S. Open Championship 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Rafa Cabrera Bello

Quick Quotes

Q. 3-under 68, this is the second year in a row you've gotten off to a good start at the U.S. Open. Did last year's success help you with some confidence this year?

RAFA CABRERA BELLO: Well, it was a good feeling when I qualified for the U.S. Open. I was very happy, obviously. I just did that like a couple Mondays ago, and I was happy because it's the U.S. Open, of course. I think it goes without saying.

But also, yeah, the fact that I had played good last year and got off to a good start, then it gave me a little extra good memories or good vibes coming in this week.

Q. What was working well today?

RAFA CABRERA BELLO: I think pretty much everything. I haven't gone over the stats yet, but I felt I hit a decent amount of fairways, hit a decent amount of greens. I was trying to be always on the good side when I missed, and I hit some great recovery shots, also, to save par, and a little bit of luck holing a chip-out on 18. But there were a couple birdies that were close of going in that didn't go in, so I mean, I'm just very pleased with the score.

Q. How much do you feel a U.S. Open suits your game?

RAFA CABRERA BELLO: Well, I mean, I think like throughout my career I've been just used to maybe struggling or having some bad breaks and having things that don't work out for you the way you would like to, and I don't know, that has made me tougher. I think that has given me more patience, and I think also that the fact that you really need to be 100 percent -- your concentration needs to be at 100 percent if not more on every shot, and I feel like many times I just make silly mistakes because I could potentially lose concentration a second, and here I'm like with this sixth sense on the game, and that helps me. The fact that it's a major, it also motivates me.

I also feel that when I play good, I don't miss a lot, and I think the U.S. Open suits people that hit it straight and then scramble good and good iron players. When my game is good, I think I can play good, and maybe today proves it a little.

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