U.S. Open Championship 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Louis Oosthuizen

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Louis Oosthuizen, even-par 71. What was the biggest difference from yesterday to today?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: For me, it was short irons really. Missing a lot of greens with 9-irons, wedges in my hand. So I need to do a bit of work on that. Other than that, drove it nicely, felt like I'm putting nicely, and kept it all together today.

THE MODERATOR: Talk a little bit about a very strong finish.

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Yeah, every time I hit a good tee shot, I didn't hit a good second and always have to fight to sort of make pars and said to my caddie, let's see if we can somehow get two back playing those last four or five holes. Made a nice putt on 14 after it was just a gap wedge in there. I pulled it and got lucky with making the putt. But good birdie on 18.

Q. What are the ways you think the game has changed the most since 2008?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Probably the length everyone's hitting it now. I can't remember much about 2008. I didn't play it as well. I just know the game now, you pull your driver, and you hit it. Whatever happens from there, you figure it out. Back then probably there was a few more holes where you could take irons or 3-woods off the tee.

Q. Do you feel like a little artistry has been lost in that?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: It's just the way it's going. The game is growing. You can't stop that. Unfortunately, some old great golf courses, you're going to lose that toughness of them a bit because of the length of the game, but that's where your course setup is so important.

THE MODERATOR: What did you learn from being in contention at the PGA Championship last month that can help you this weekend.

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: Try and go one better. No, just keep patience and calm and see if you can get yourself within striking range with nine holes to go on Sunday and then take it from there.

Q. Was today an example of that? As you said, your errors were one of smaller unforced ones, where generally in the U.S. Open, it's not that, it's conditions. So to kind of stick as solid as you did and get it in the house where you are, it must take confidence, right?

LOUIS OOSTHUIZEN: No, for sure. The shots I hit in on a bunch of holes with wedges and 9-irons and sand wedge on 17 is holes where it was accessible pins where I can actually give myself a 10, 15-foot putt for birdie, and I was fighting to make par. So I take a lot out of that, and with the U.S. Open especially, if you're out of position, you need to just minimize the score, and I did that pretty good today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108910-1-1182 2021-06-18 20:47:00 GMT

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