U.S. Open Championship 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Justin Thomas

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you talk about your round today and finishing with a birdie on 18?

JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, it was a good grind. I just put myself back in the tournament, I felt like. It was very bunched. I was actually pretty shocked at how low the scores were yesterday, which is a little upsetting to -- obviously didn't play very well, but I felt like I fought pretty hard coming in to shoot 2-over.

I did exactly what I needed to do today. Obviously it would have been nice to make a couple more, but I made a lot of key putts when I needed to, a lot of up-and-downs, so that's all I can ask for.

Q. Did you change your mentality coming into today at all?

JUSTIN THOMAS: Not really. I just needed to execute a little better. I didn't play well yesterday, so the mentality didn't change, the execution did.

Q. Do you feel this is a course where you'll be able to make up some ground the rest of the way?

JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, but it's done differently than most courses. Most times if I'm five back going into a Saturday, I need to probably make 12, 15 plus birdies on the weekend to hang in there, but this is a U.S. Open. It's a little bit different. Obviously I'd love to make 12 or 15 birdies but I'm not exactly planning on that, but I know that if I play well and manage my game like I did today, really the last two days, then I should be in good shape.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108931-1-1002 2021-06-19 01:40:00 GMT

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