U.S. Open Championship 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Collin Morikawa

Quick Quotes

Q. Great run there on the front nine with four consecutive birdies. Can you just describe that stretch and what was clicking for you?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Oh, it was still stressful. Sometimes you find things when you're not really looking, and after the first hole today I pulled one left and I just couldn't do that to myself if I was going to try and make the cut and just really contend. I figured something out on the third hole and I just kept it going. We got some really good numbers, and sometimes when you have good numbers and you have the right club in your hand, you can give yourself some birdie chances, and we were able to roll them in.

Q. 4-under today, currently puts you five off the lead headed into the weekend. What is your mental approach coming off a really good round today?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: It's a great spot, and I'm out here to win. 4-over didn't really help that, but a 4-under definitely helped. To be only five back on a tough course with two days left, I'm pleased with where I'm at and really look forward to the weekend.

Q. Is there anything particular element of your game that you feel is really going to make a difference for you headed into the weekend?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Yeah, you know, I've been hitting it really good off the tee and I just have to keep that up, but my irons haven't been exactly where I wanted them, especially the long irons, the 4-, 5-irons, and you have a lot of those, especially on the back nine. You have some par-3s that are long. If I just dial those in for the next couple days we're going to give ourselves a few more birdie opportunities, and hopefully we can roll those in.

Q. With your prior major experience, what do you draw on given that experience to secure a U.S. Open win?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Yeah, I think what happened at PGA a year ago is just that I love it. I love being in that position. To give myself a chance come Sunday, hopefully I can do that with 36 left, but just to know that I love being in that position, I'm ready to embrace that, so it's not going to be easy, but I've given myself at least a chance to hopefully make a run on the weekend.

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