U.S. Open Championship 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Martin Kaymer

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you just tell me about your round today and how the course played.

MARTIN KAYMER: I think today was actually the most playable. I was out there in the morning so the greens were still a bit receptive early in the day. They put a few tee boxes forward, a few easier pins today I felt like, so it was more gettable than the first two days. So overall the best scoring day.

Q. So you finished with a birdie on 18 for a 69. Can you talk me through your birdie and how it feels to end like that?

MARTIN KAYMER: Unfortunately I missed the tee shot, and they put the tee forward today almost 30 yards, so it's a really -- I would say just a long par-4 today, and if you miss the tee shot then you're a bit disappointed, so I laid up to a good number with a wedge and I left myself maybe an eight- or nine-footer uphill, so that was a good way to finish the round today, especially on still a tricky golf course to shoot under par at the U.S. Open is always a decent score.

Q. Is this the type of course that you can make some moves tomorrow to get into contention?

MARTIN KAYMER: Yeah, I think yesterday and today my iron game was really good. It just depends on hitting fairways. If you hit fairways, then the golf course gives you opportunities, and that is I think the main goal, to give you as many lines into the green as possible and then obviously you need to wait if you make putts or not.

Q. Are you going to make any adjustments going into tomorrow?

MARTIN KAYMER: No, I hope I can continue with the same stuff that I did yesterday and today. I try and focus on the positive things that happen. I'll work a little bit on the driver over the next few hours, and then should be okay for tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108974-1-1002 2021-06-19 20:08:00 GMT

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