U.S. Open Championship 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Phil Mickelson

Quick Quotes

Q. General thoughts on your round today.

PHIL MICKELSON: I played really well yesterday and thought I had it, I was going to make a run, and I just completely lost it today. But I was sure appreciative of the chance to play here in a U.S. Open on a place that is special to me and I grew up playing. I just thought that they've done such a great job with the setup, with the tournament, feeling the support of the people. I'm just grateful to have this chance.

I get one more round. I'll come out tomorrow and do the best I can, but first 10 or 12 holes, I just kind of lost the swing, and I really struggled. I fought, and then at the end, I had some rough go on the greens.

I really enjoy being out here and experiencing a U.S. Open here at Torrey Pines.

Q. You kind of touched on it, but what is the approach next?

PHIL MICKELSON: I know I'm playing a little bit better, but I just kind of lost it on Thursday and today. I know that I've been playing well, and I'm going to go to the range and try to find it, and go have a good round tomorrow.

Then I'll play the next two weeks in Hartford and Detroit and try to add to the momentum I created at the PGA and see if I can continue that good play.

Q. You've been in quarantine the last 16 months or so. How much did it feel nice to play for the fans here and kind of have that return to Torrey Pines?

PHIL MICKELSON: It's certainly cool to have people out. Yet we still need to be careful because unlike somebody that works in an office who might have to stay home for a couple of weeks, we're not able to play and compete, like what happened to Jon Rahm, if we were to come down with it. Most of us, myself included, are vaccinated, but still you don't want too come down with it and have to miss playing because we have worked so hard and look forward to competing in such a big special events like this ever since we were kids. We just don't want to miss out on those opportunities.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108978-1-1182 2021-06-19 21:44:00 GMT

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