U.S. Open Championship 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Robert MacIntyre

Quick Quotes

Q. Could you just walk us through your round today, tell us how it went.

ROBERT MACINTYRE: It was solid to start off with. Back nine I struggled. I think I hit three greens on the back nine, two of them on the last two. Terrible wedge shot on 18, just disappointed with the finish, but that's golf.

Q. How did today's course conditions compare to the first two rounds?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: Very similar. Nothing's changed. They've not made drastic changes to the greens. Moved a couple of tees around to make you reach par-5s, not that I've done that. The score is there for the taking. I just didn't take my chances.

Q. Any change in the game plan for tomorrow?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: Not at all. It's a golf course that will punish you if you're off line. I was lucky -- well, thankfully I've had my short game with me. If I've been out of position I've been trying to hit it in the bunker. I've been doing that, and my bunker play is as good as most. So I just trust myself. If you can get it in the bunker, you can control what you're doing. If you hit it in the rough, you've got no chance.

If you're out of position, try and hit it in the bunkers. Other than that, get it in play off the tee, which I had been doing all week until today really. I just struggled, didn't feel comfortable, but that's golf.

Q. Your opinion, Torrey overall as a U.S. Open venue?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: Yeah, it's been brilliant. I didn't know what to expect. Obviously, I watched the normal PGA TOUR event here, and you see guys spinning it back. I knew coming for the U.S. Open, it was going to be nothing like that. It's exactly how I imagined it. Reminds me a bit of watching Pebble Beach, the style of golf, the way the greens are, stuff like that. So it's been a great experience.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108984-1-1002 2021-06-19 22:18:00 GMT

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